{3.10} 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙾𝚏 𝙼𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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Bobby is walking through the house, flashlight in hand, looking around. The wind is whistling outside. Bobby hears a sound and turns around, but there's nothing there. He looks a bit worried.
When he reaches the doors to the kitchen he slowly slides them open, and takes a few steps in. He scans the room and suddenly we hear a Woman scream and she attacks him. He falls to the floor with her on top of him and she struggles with him, pulling him back and forth, while she's still screaming. The scene is flashing confusingly for a few seconds.
The screen flashes white a few times and then...


Bobby is asleep on a bed. It's daytime. The door is being opened from the outside and a maid enters the room. After a few steps she sees Bobby on the bed, who hasn't reacted to the noises she's made.

"Oh! I'm sorry." The Maid Says As She begins to walk out again, but as she retrieves the keys from the door, and Bobby still hasn't moved, she looks a bit worried.

"Sir?" The Maid Says, Since he's still not moving, she leaves the keys in the door and walks over the his bed. She touches him on the shoulder.

"Wake up." The Maid Says As He doesn't react. We flash back to the kitchen where the woman is still screaming and Bobby is trying to survive the attack. She is slamming his head against the floor.
We flash to his bed where the Maid  now has grabbed his shoulders, shaking him, trying to wake him up. The previous scene and the one we're flashing to seems to be a dream.

"Wake up, do you hear me? Wake up. Sir, wake up!
She turns around to the door, panicked, Help! I need some help in here!" The Maid Says



Doobie Brothers, "Long Train Runnin'" Playing in the background, We open to the bartender turning around, with a bottle in his hand, to a man and a woman. He grabs a glass and walks down the bar.

"Cheers!" The Man Says

Near  the bartender, he's pouring up a drink and we notice Sam is sitting in the background nursing a drink. he's tilting his glass back and forth slowly, almost spilling out the contents. He's looking sad and all the hope we usually see in him is gone. He also appears a bit drunk. The door opens behind him and Dean walks in. When he sees Sam he walks over, brows furrowed.

"There you are. What are you doing?" Dean Asks As  turns to him.

"Having a drink." Sam Says

"It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?" Dean Asks

"I drink whiskey all the time." Sam Says

"No, you don't." Dean Says

"What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars, you hit on chicks all the time. Why can't I?" Sam Says
As Dean looks around and we see that there's not many people in the bar, just the one woman by the bar, who's quite a bit older than Sam.

"It's kind of slim pickings around here." Dean Says
As he turns back to Sam, What's going on with you?"
Sam shakes his head, and doesn't say anything for a few moments. He looks completely lost.

"I tried, Dean." Sam Says as Dean looks a bit confused.

"To do what?" Dean Asks

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