{3.9} 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚞𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚖 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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Door opens, and a woman and man dressed in formal, Janet and Paul Dutton, attire walk in, the man switches on the bedroom light as the woman tosses her purse on the bed.

"That was just a terrible, terrible party." Janet Says

"But there was this one really beautiful woman there." Paul Says

"You should have gone home with her." Janet Says

"I did." Paul Says, They kiss, and he unzips her dress. It falls to the floor.

"I need a few minutes." Janet Says

"Alright, there's a bottle of '89 in the fridge." Paul Says, They kiss again and he walks out the door as she crosses the room and enters the bathroom.


A match is struck on the edge of a box as an incantation is being recited which runs through the rest of the action as a voiceover.

"Echranmuk madan fiéré, fiahohshee shé morelorn" Amanda Says As The match lights a candle, and as the incantation continues to be spoken.


Janet is removing her diamond necklace in front of the bathroom mirror.

"Marc oh don" Amanda Says


Across the altar Amanda is still reciting her incantation in front of, with various occult objects, including the candle she lit, and bones and symbols drawn on wood.

"Duer kianave kihér tolic" Amanda Says


Janet opens a brand new toothbrush and removes it.

"Einder bolic" Amanda Says


Amanda opens a cloth on the altar on top of the symbol revealing a used toothbrush inside the cloth.

"Madan fiéré fiahohshee shé morelorn" Amanda Says


Janet brushes her teeth.

"Marc oh don duer kianave kihér tolic" Amanda Says


Amanda reaches for a dagger and drags it along her right palm dripping a drop blood on the bristles of the toothbrush that she has unwrapped on the altar.

"Echranmuk madan fiéré fiahohshee shé morelorn" Amanda Says


Janet reaches for her mouth, and wiggles one of her front teeth which comes loose, and falls out in her hand.

"Marc oh don duer kianave kihér tolic einder bolic" Amanda Says

"Oh god." Janet Says


Amanda's hand drips blood.

"Madan fiéré" Amanda Says


Janet turns slowly, feeling around the inside of her mouth with her tongue.

"Fiahohshee shé morelorn" Amanda Says


Another drop of blood lands on the bristles of the toothbrush.

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