{3.5} 𝙱𝚎𝚍𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3

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Sam and Elena are searching the corridors, looking for Dr.Garrison, when he sees him ahead.

"Dr. Garrison! We need to speak with you." Elena Says

"Detectives . What can I do for you?" Dr.Garrison Says

"Well, uhm ... it's about Callie." Sam Says

"My daughter? What about her?" Dr.Garrison Says

"You know maybe, maybe could we sit down for a minute?" Elena Asks

"No. What about her?" Dr.Garrison Asks

"Kay. Well um...All right, Doctor, this isn't gonna be easy. What happened to Callie was not an accident." Elena Says

"Excuse me?" Dr.Garrison Says

"I'm sorry, but it's true." Sam Says

"You have no idea what happened to my daughter." Dr.Garrison Says As He turns and walks away. Sam and Elena follows.

"There are things you don't know, Doctor, about your wife." Sam Says

"My wife?" Dr.Garrison Says

"Doctor, your wife poisoned Callie." Elena Says As He stops and turns back to them

"Why would you say something so horrible to me?" Dr.Garrison Asks

"Because We need your help." Sam Says

"You two stay away from me, and from my daughter, you understand?" Dr.Garrison Says

"Doctor, this isn't... Please, uh—" Elena Says
As Dr.Garrison walks into Callies room, shutting the door in Sam and Elena's face, They sighs, opens the door, enters and closes it behind him.


"I'm calling Security." Dr.Garrison Says As He reaches for the internal phone. Sam clamps his hand over it to stop him.

"No, listen. I don't have time to do this gently. If you don't listen to me more people are going to get hurt, because Callie is going to hurt them." Sam Says

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Dr.Garrison Asks

"You're gonna think We're crazy, but just understand me. Your daughter Callie is still here. She's a spirit." Elena Says As Dr. Garrison looks over at Callie sadly. He sits at the end of her bed, turning back to Them.

"So you've seen her too." Dr.Garrison Says while Sam and Elena looks surprised.


Dean breaks down the door and moves through the house, gun drawn. He crosses the doorway again and pushes the door closed.

Dean sees the Little Girl  in the red hoodie crying in the living room; her face is smeared with blood. He moves to her and crouches down.

"You okay?" Dean Asks

"Yeah—Aaaaahhh!" The Little Girl Says As she screams. The Man appears and attacks Dean, knocking the gun out of his hand. Dean punches the Him, The Man throws Dean across the room against a dining table. Dean moves toward the Man, but the Man throws Dean over the table and into a china cabinet, smashing the glass. Dean falls to the floor.


"I sensed her .... Callie. Her presence, her scent. I even saw her standing at the foot of my bed but I never....believed it, I thought I was dreaming, I—" Dr Garrison Says

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