Chapter 30 Flashback Climax

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Chapter 30

Flashback Climax

"Well, aren't you a curious thing?" The youthful wizard whispered to himself. He trotted his horse atop the prairie along the outskirts of the city walls. Easing his steed with a click of his tongue, he slid off to forage nearby, chasing a faint, glimmering glow coming from a bush not too far off.

"Yes, very curious indeed. I see. So, you must be the grand architect behind these series of unfortunate events and mischiefs as of late?" He said softly again as he reached down among the thicket, grabbing for a coruscating treasure to polish the shine of it gently in his hands with his cloak. The sacred luster of it lit up like torches back into the whites of his eyes. "Such small a thing and yet in your glare glistens the intensity of a thousand stars. If only you were left allowed to be unleashed. But, I know that which that forebodes you."

"No, not yet..." He continued to whisper. "Your time will come, old friend. Now is not the time to be greedy. As for now, we shall all wait. Time is the great reckoning and equalizer of us all. Entire wars have been fought and could have been won if not for just a difference in time. Down to the minute, as it were."

"The histories have shown us this. Besides, we are to be very busy today. A young and eager Princess beckons me and, one must never wait on a Princess, ya' know? Terrible things could go awry."

"Why yes, such swift and terrible things that could herald consequences so magnificent, that they could even undo the very foundations of the world if left alone to fester. Not... not that is necessarily a bad thing, per se. Because it has been foretold in the ancient scribes and songs that one day, the hidden and distant twilight road to heaven itself would be made straight. Once focused, it would reveal itself to the mortal eyes of men, and all would witness its splendor as it unraveled before them."

"Those pious ones who took it upon themselves to name them gods over us would finally be brought low from their high thrones. They who had looked down their noses with scorn will soon be met with the fire of their own reflection and affliction, and everything that was lost to chaos would soon be set to order throughout all the Earth."

"Yes, it is written. The song clearly says, 'Seven stars for seven sages, shall be plucked and flown from the heavens. There, seven maidens of their descendants shall carry their almighty relics of their lineage."

" 'Broken, they remain as remnants unless united and aligned. If they are not brought together, then there will be no more divine. Thus, three stars of which had already fallen, and three are left to find. The only question is, will the Princess of destiny be able to in time?' "

Kelcifer murmured the ancient song in a hum even as a few quiet laughs escaped the side of his lips after he finished.

He continued his pontification to the majestic orb. "I will live to see its rightful order and constitution restored. That I promise you, my friend. That the proper justice due to those would be served, and swift vengeance would be dealt upon the heads of the guilty."

"But today is not that day, nor do I foresee it to come too soon. As for now, and until then, I am here to lend a helping hand upon the course of nature... For in nature, not even the divine can upend. For even they are bound by the laws of their own making."

He beheld the artifact in his robed hand, continuing to engage it as if it were a long and trusted friend he met on the road. One greeted after an arduous adventure came to its conclusion. "Let's say we put a hasty end to all this nonsense, shall we, hmmm? Then we can move forward with what else needs to be done. Does that agree with you?" he said, eyeing the pearl deeply as if listening for a quiet reply for where there was none.

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