chapter 1

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(Everything will be ok kids don't worry the rescue team are on there way they'll be here soon, calm down everyone please calm down and cooprate with us.)

God can't a passanger have a little rest on plain! I thought that while looking at the kid sitting bisides me

"Hay kid can you please turn the volume down! I am trying to read here" I told him while holding my book up that reads "guide to south Korea"

"Ok first of all stop calling me a kid, I am 12 years old and perfectly mature, second you can't tell me what to do this isin't your private plain this is a plain for all you can't tell me to .."

I cut him off before could say anything else

"ok, ok gez so much for perfectly mature."

And just then


Attention everyone, we are going to be landing soon......

uhhh thank god, finally I can't believe I sat next to this crazy kid for almost 6 hours. It has been a really long flight I seriously can't wait to step out and streach my legs. Oh sorry I forget to introduce myself.

Hii I am Nora Kumari. Indian and 15 years old and currently standing in a whole new world the "Land of the morning calm", south Korea nd before you ask, I seriously don't know how this happened I mean last thing I reamber I was going to my school, I fell asleep in middle of a class then I woke up in a hospital room with buries and scratches all over my body. Doctors told me that I lost my memory of 12 hours and that it would be better if, no one told me what happened in those 12 hours and my parents decided it would be better if I stay in a different atmosphere, so here I am. And guess what I am going to live with my cousin.Who happens to be a k pop ideal I didn't even knew I had a cilibrity for cousin

Authors Note

Hi guys I am Ninasnow the writer

The first chapter is kind small since I wanted u guys to meat Nora the main character of the story I promise next chapter will be more big and I am really sorry if there are grammar mistakes or anything inappropriate in the story if u guys find any problem in the story feel free to tell me. I'll do my best to improve it.

Thankyou for reading

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