Chapter 3

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Standing in front of me were 7 men not only men but also some most famous and talented Artists in the world . The MVs. And suddenly I culdent remember how to breath .
"Hello" and someone clapped while saying Hello but why would they be clapping I mean i am right here and then i got it . I was staring. That too with eyes so wide that I they could pop out of my face and fall at their legs. God that woul be funny and embarrassing and horrific anywayyyy so here I am standing in front of 6 most famous, telented, handsom and amazing men who were staring at me in return but with amusement in their eyes.

"Are you ok" asked one of them and o my god it was "J young", the youngest member and vocalist of the group.

"I think she's in shock" said another member "Vik" also vocalist and my heart stopped wow, Isin't he's handsome.

"Hayy i know I am handsome. But if you kept staring at me I'll get shy" that was "Jin kyo" also vocalist and i like him for his cuteness well ofcourse he is also hot as hell but according to me he's cute.

"Give her some time guys this must be too much on her. She didn't knew about us" that was "Ron" the leader of the group and always the mature one. Also hot handsom and my fav for being so patient with me.

"Hay I am "J yon" he was the first one who introduced himself to me and dude Isin't he fire. Dude got some
mind-blowing dance moves I always wanted to dance with him and also a rapper . I was just about to introduce myself when someone else said.

"Guys don't be rude to such a cute girl."
O my god ji hin (lead vocalist) think's i am cute i think i am gonna faint.

"I am sleeping wake me up when she comes out of shock" that was yun me suga songwriter and rapper. And as always he is sleep he's like a cat he can sleep anytime anywhere and as much as I love his songs and voice i really, admire his sleeping habits.

Wow what a way to make a fool of myself.

"Uhh... wait i am not in shock. I just... surprised" i said presenting to be cool and not letting them see how much I am flattered to be talking to them.

"Oo i i can imagine" said Ron and as always i mad things akward by saying "oh thanks... i guess" god can anyone make a bigger fool of themself then me.
"I think i came in the wrong room" i said after whole 1 minut of akward silence.

"No your not" said j young "your Nora right. Nora Kumari daughter of Mr Ravi Kumar and Aunt Nay yun"
Wait did he just said Nay yun as in my mom nay yun (and yes my mom's koren fellen in love with Indian army man after meeting him in some mission but I am totally gone on my father except my mom's lips which are thin)

"Umm yeah.... wait" then suddenly my brain light up like a lighthouse "your junior J".

"Uhh i wouldn't call myself that but I guess ant didn't forget that name and yeah I am your cousin"

"Dude when you said your cousin is coming to live with you i thought you were talking about some middle school child of someone not her" said jin kyo. Wait what does he mean.

"Your being rude" said Ron

"No I mean... i thought it would be some cute little girl who can easily fit in our life as our little sister who likes colouring and doodling on the walls but dude she's not cute. I mean look at her she's beautiful and hot" he said hot in what he thought was a whisper

"Umm dude did you just called my sister hot" said my dear cousin

"Wait middle school girls don't colour the walls" said Vik finally speaking for the first time after saying I am in shock

"No it's suppose to be the primary school you fool" said ji hin.

"That's not the point i am mentioning you distracthead"

"Is distracthead even a word" said j yon.
"No it's my word i made it " replied jin kyo "and that's not my point here. Back me up youn me suga"

Youn me suga in reply snored loudly, wow see anyware. And their argument keept going on

But what will happen to me. On one hand these are the men every girl (some boys too) dream about but now that I am here what am I going to do. Am i suppose to fit in their world of will I have to be on distance.


Keep reading Nora's new world to know what kind of relationship she establish with MVs.


The MVs

Ron - leader and rapper

J young - main vocalist

Vik - vocalit

Jin kyo - vocalist

J yon - rapper

Ji hin - lead vocalist

Yun me suga - rapper and the songwriter

And finally

Nora Kumari

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