chapter 2

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After collecting my luggage I went to the parking lot where my cousin is suppose to pick me up but when I got there I noticed that the lot was empty. Weird

Just then a black SUV came out of nowhere and parked right in front of me scaring the hell out of me .

"Hay are you Nora Kumari" said a big scairy man while coming out of the car and oh man he have muscles. I can tell just by looking at him that he is a body guard or in security of some sort of maybe a fighter.

"Uhh yeah that's me" god I need to stop imagining what will happen to me if he accidentally sat on me and start focusing on what he was saying.

"Give me your luggage I'll keep it in the back while you sit in the car"  he said with laughing eyes like he knows what I am thinking "I am sorry but I think you have another Nova. I am waiting for my cousin here." I said politely

"Girl your cousin is a cilibrity, he can't come out here just to pick you up he is quit busy. Now if you dot mind get you little ass in the car because I don't want to pick you up and throw you in." He said gufly

Wow rude much but I didn't said that out loud and started getting my little ass in the car . After I put my seatbelt on he started the car and when we got to the main road and away from airport I looked outside the window and wow it's amazing. Kind of reminds me of Mumbai a city in India.
After travelling for 30 or so minutes we  stoped in front of a giant building
"Where are we?" I asked the driver
"We're going to see your brother."
"Oh ok."

The building was huge and nicely decorated and planed with enough security so if there were any reports to sneak in they wouldn't be able to. As we went by the secratery desk I noticed that everyone and like literary everyone around us stopped to look at me or at least glanced at me. I guess that will be common since I am a brown girl with wide and naturally curvy body shape. Totally different from them and unique anyway when thr elevator doors opened I went in quietly my head held high and the gint scairy bodyguard looked at me before saying "don't worry about those people they're just trying to pick something to gossip" don't I know that my father was in indian army and we had to shift cities after every 3 years and whenever I went to new school people use to stare at me like I am an alian. Well I don't think that will happen anymore. Anyway as we got off the elevator on 21st floor and went in a room on end of the floor my eyes got big and my heart started pounding crazily by the sight in front of me.

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