Chapter 8.2- Run away

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"Ojiisan!" I watched as Go Gunhee was being dragged by a couple of men down to the beach along with other members of Lee Shin-Ah's family. What are those men trying to do?

"Shin-Ah! Honey, look at me!" Someone held me tight on my shoulders and turned me around. I was taken aback when I saw Yoona standing right in front of me. Behind us was the view of a glamorous beach resort.

I flinched when I heard gunshots... What's happening? I screamed and I couldn't stop crying. Yoona was in a wretched state as I was. I can't control my tears and I can't control my own emotions. I'm confused as hell. Am I... in Lee Shin-Ah's body?

"Honey, Shin-Ah. Listen to me. We have to go now." She parted my hair so she can clear my face. Now, it's become clearer what's happening around me. I can see the reflection of a burning establishment in her eyes. It's the day of the attack.  "I'm sorry..."

There was blood on both of Yoona's hands. They also splattered across her distressed face and on her clothes.

"We don't have much time!" Fabian's voice resounded in my ear. I saw him shooting people in my peripheral view.

"Everything's going to be alright. Hm?" Yoona tried to smile.

I want to see Ojiisan. I want to know what happened to him. I can't just leave him! I don't care if it's a memory or not. Go Gunhee is one of my favorite characters and is Lee Shin-Ah's grandfather!

"I won't leave Ojiisan and Obaasan! Why are they shooting at us?" I screamed out a frustrated cry. My voice is still as thin as an 8 year old's. "Mama, let's not go!"

I heard a meow just underneath my chin. I took the cat with me but not my grandfather's hand? My cry grew louder and so did Yoona's as she lowered her head while biting hard on her lip.

"Agh! Put me down!" Fabian grabbed me at my waist and hoisted me up to his shoulders. "Put me down! I said, put me down!" I kept repeating my words while punching his back, but he's not listening. "Ojiisan! Obaasan! Don't take me away from them. Ojiisan!"

"Yoona, go!" I saw Yoona's figure run towards the stairs while Fabian and I were right behind her.

" Put me down. Ojiisan! Obaasan! Please, let me go. Let's save them. Take them with us. Please! I'm begging you. Please!!! Ojiisan!!! Oba--"

I heard another gunshot and I saw it this time. My throat suddenly went dry. My tears halted and for a moment there, I think time stopped. Why? Why did this happen? Why did they do it?

My blood rushed as I realized what they just did to my grandmother. My tears went gushing back.

"Obaasan!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My grandmother landed on the sand motionless.

Why weren't we stopping? Why is Fabian still running? My grandmother just got shot, why didn't we save them?!

"Mama, please!!" I couldn't see Yoona's face but even if I called her and begged her to stop a couple of times, she wasn't responding.

"Get in!" A helicopter was waiting for us. We were leaving already but I still struggled to break free from Fabian's arms.

I could see everything even with my foggy eyesight. As the helicopter rose, we could see the resort burning, the island enveloped in smoke and blazing flames, and men in black staring up at us. They attempted to shoot us with their rifles but were unsuccessful. The last thing I saw was how those armed men on the beach murdered my whole clan.

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