Chapter 24 - The Mad Hatter's game

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A/N: This chapter gave
me a headache. 

"So you think your father is not actually the bad guy." I nodded and moved my horse to f3. He plays black, I play white.

I could've been scuba diving or shopping down town but I've had a lot of vacays in my life, I grew tired of it. So, indecisive, I just asked Jin-Woo to play chess with me since he's got nothing else to do for his leave.

"Not exactly." He moves Knight C6. I move bishop c4. "He just killed the Minister. There's a gray area between good and evil. I think my father's doing the wrong stuff for what he thinks is the right reason.

His bishop c5.

"Why are you telling me this?"

My poon d3. His Knight f6.

"Hm? It's not like you haven't realized it already. You didn't kill him that night or force him to think with reason before letting him off. Why did you let him go that night he killed the Minister?"

Bg5. Ph6. Bh4. Pd6.

"I already told you why." Damn I'm stupid at chess. Remind me why I asked this guy for a match?

"I know you. You won't stop even if it's your family that's asking. Why would you stop for me?"

Kc3. Pg5. Bg3. Bg4. Ph3. Bh5. I castled g5 then he plays Kd4 but I countered it with a Kd4. The first piece to go off the board.

"Well?" He looks at me then back to the board he conjured with his shadow powers.

"You really aren't careful." His bishop gracefully kicks my Queen off, Bd1. Ayo! How did I not see that??? Damn I suck at this game.

I couldn't even focus anymore. I looked at him and saw him smirking a bit. He knew from the very beginning that I'm horrible at this game and placed his pieces without harvesting until I took the bait first.

"Just spill it out."

"You have the answer right in front of you." I looked at the board once more and analyzed it...

"No way!"

"By letting you play on and make the kill first, I saw an opening and took down the piece that runs the game. Then I'll start to harvest." He took down the pieces one by one as mine were in the exact position where he wants them to be. Going back and forth with the Queen and his bishop.

"You may not be as bright as your father but this is basically how it's going." The dark clouds swallow my King out of existence. "You have your answer."

He's going to kill Lee Sol Gyoung after he sees that everyone is in the right positions within his grasp.

"Are you gonna kill me too?"

"You keep asking that question as if you don't already know." The board disappears and it switches to a deck of cards. But these aren't normal decks of cards. Our faces are drawn in them as if we were animated.

"What are these?"

"My cards. Play with me." The cards shuffle all by themselves in the air like some circus show. In the midst of it all, I stared at Jin-Woo's eyes. He's in that state again. Mysterious. I can't read him at all. His eyes grow dark and lifeless but his smile can tell stories.

"Curious..." The cards takes a halt and bolts in position surrounding me and him. They float like prizes I should get but none of them, in any angle, are revealing their true images.

"Behind these cards are the people involved in the case. Every time you touch a card, a few similar cards that are next to it will reveal themselves to you. You'll have three tries to pick and open the cards. All you have to do is consecutively open only your card."

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