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I was in the Cullens kitchen waiting to tell everyone the big news, the fact that I was mated to the 3 most dangerous vampires in history, should go down like a treat.

"I mean, should I tell them? I could just wait a few weeks, right?" Me and Alice had been debating on telling The Cullens or not for the past ten minutes, nobody else knew apart from Alice, Bella and Edward of course.

"We're not having this argument again!" Alice repeated grabbing my hand pulling me into the living room.

"Okay everyone, Vera has something she would like to say!" She announced making our presence known. The vampire family made there way to the settee as I stood at the front fiddling with my hands.

"Alice!" I scolded her like she was a small child, she just waved her hands in the air in defeat.

"Uhm...okay so uh, WHENIWENTTOITALYIMETTHEKINGSANDIMMATEDTOTHEM." I fumbled out, my eyes scanned the room hoping to seek something that indicated they approved.

"Okay, Vera, Honey we may have heightened hearing but we're not superman. Could you repeat that?" Rosalie asked, I took a deep breath mentally preparing myself once again. Okay Vera you can do this.

"So when I went to Volterra, I uh, I met the Volturi obviously and I found out that they're my mates." I repeated.

No words were said, All if their eyes conveyed a mixed feeling of both shock and wary. There eyes were widened and they stayed still for what felt like hours when in reality it was probably only a couple of seconds. Rosalie was the first to act taking me by surprise she pulled me into a great big hug.

"That's so great, most vampires never even meet their mate let alone whilst you are still human-ish." She cheered. My relationship with Rosalie was strange to everyone, most saw her as the bitch sister of Edward Cullen but to me she was my kind, Funny best friend her opinion was the one I most valued.

"Thank you Rosalie." I said a grin upon my face.

"That's fantastic I'm so happy for you Vera!" Esme added the other Cullen's agreeing pulling me into a hug.

"You know this isn't good news right guys! I mean, She's mated to the most ruthless vampires in history. why are you all so happy!" Bella yelled

"Bella, please don't start this again, not here, not now." I pleaded

"No! This is ridiculous, this is all for attention!" Bella  snarls. Rosalie stepped towards her "Don't be stupid Bella, she cannot help who is her mate. Don't be such a spiteful child." Rosalie ranted and Bella cowered under her glare.

"Whatever!" She screeched existing the room.

"I'm really sorry about that everyone." I apologised Esme took my hand "it isn't your fault, she just needs to come to terms with the fact she won't be the only human dating a vampire." She said smiling in her mother-like way.

"Thank you both." I responded my thanks directed towards Esme and Rosalie. I truly never understood why Bella and myself never got along like siblings, of course I still loved Bella it just hurts when someone you consider to be your sister consists on making your life a living hell.

In the end I think we both knew I would never stay mad at her, it wasn't in my nature.

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