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I pushed the door shut, nearly screaming at the person standing in the hallway behind her.

"Where have you been exactly?" Bella questioned looking me up and down, her eyes focusing on on my muddy boots. "You've been in the forest, why?" She added.

"Why are you so persistent? It doesn't involve you." I complained pushing past her, heading to the kitchen I grabbed leftover Chinese takeaway from last night and hurried up the stairs.

"Why are you avoiding it? Scared I'm gonna get mad?" Bella hissed following me upstairs.

"No, I just don't need you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!" I snapped slamming my bedroom door jumping onto the bed with the leftovers in my hand.

The door swung open, I rolled my eye. She really doesn't give up.

"Fine! You want to know what I was doing! I was with Marcus Volturi, All three of the kings are visiting over the next few weeks. So I was getting to know him. If you really must know." Her eyes widened looking like they were about to pop out. "Why are you meeting them! God you're so selfish! They tried to kill me Vera!" Bella belted pointing her finger at me like I was some kind of idiotic child.

"I wonder bloody why!" I muttered

"What did you say! God wait until the Cullens find out about this!" She screamed

"Where do you think he is staying Bella. The Cullens were the ones who helped set this up, you bloody idiot." I responded, pushing her out of my room shutting the door. Thank god she's gone, don't think I could stand another second of that.


The next day...

I heard a faint knock on my door, I opened my bedroom door and made my way down the stairs.

Who the fuck does this person think they are! Seriously walking me up at 6 o'clock in the morning!

"Oh! Hi Marcus." I smiled down at the ancient vampire, my suddenly mood change had practically given myself whiplash.

"Hello Vera, I hope I did not disturb you. I was hoping to take you out for a walk again, if you do not mind." He inquired, he had already grabbed my jacket and opened the door before the words yes had even left my mouth.

"Yes, that would be lovely, But I have to be back in an hour for school." I replied tossing on the jacket and heading outside for a stroll with Marcus.

"Can I take you somewhere?" I asked now facing Marcus making myself consciously aware of the difference in height, he must have been at-least 6 feet tall. He nodded and I made sure he followed behind.

We walked up this small hill where atop was bench. Behind the hill we could see this bright gold light emerging. The beautiful colours of the warm sunrise shone on us. I took his hand and sat beside him, taking in the large orangey sight.

I turned to him and saw he had put up his hood, he clearly saw my confused expression which seemed to amuse him.

"What confuses you la mia vita?" He questioned his hand brushing the hair away from my face as he studied my confused form.

"What happens when vampires are in the sun?" I asked

"Let me show you."

His hands came up, pulling the long dark hood off his symmetrical face. I was In complete and utter awe, his face reflected the sunlight. It was like there was a million diamonds In his face. It was beautiful.

"Wow! disco ball." Mumbled still entranced by him. I then herd him erupt into a fit of laughter, something no one had heard from him in century's.

"God! I love the way you think amore mio!" Marcus joked, finally calming himself down from the laughing attack that had just happened a mere seconds ago.

"I must get you back home now." He stated swooping me of my feet and into his arms bridal style. "Marcus, what are you doing" I asked terrified he was going to change his mind and throw me off the hill.

"Hold on tight amore mio." He spoke. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before, my hair was now frizzy and I looked like Hagrid but no matter, the feeling was crazy. When he put me down I'd almost fainted at how dizzy I felt.

"You are home now, have fun at school." He said angry that I still had to attend school despite his arrival. However he understood that my education, in his words was 'a top priority and shall not be ignored.'

"See you soon."

Don't worry Bella will get nicer along the chapters, just not sure when.
I really loved seeing more of Marcus and Vera's relationship blossom, dude deserves to be happy.

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