#13: Accidents Happen Accidentally

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"We need to find warmth where we can. Our hands wrapped around a mug of coffee. Our bodies wrapped in our favorite sweater. Our eyes, catching the warmth in our lover's gaze. It's a cold world we live in. Find the warmth." –rose c.l.


"Oh, hey, I just thought of this. Add this to your notes on things to put in the Avengers compound, I want—"

"Wait, the Avengers what?"

"The Avengers compound. You know? The compound for the Avengers."

"Tony, since when has there been an Avengers compound?"

"Well there isn't one yet, but there will be one. Ground's already been broken. I really do think I mentioned this to you before."

"I am 1000% positive you have not, Stark."

"...Are you sure?"

I sat in the single seat, knees pulled up to my chest, with my head turned away from the TV to stare at Tony who was playing on his phone on the couch beside me. Despite definitely having homicidal intent in my gaze, the genius, playboy, billionaire, dead man just gave me a nonchalant shrug.

Thor, who had been further down on the same couch as Tony, suddenly stood up with a smile and clapped his hands, "I will be going now. My stay here on Midgard won't be for too long and I'd rather not spend any time in your law system as a witness to Stark's timely demise." He clapped Tony on the shoulder with another grin, Tony's own nonchalance starting to crack, and began to leave, "It was nice knowing you, man of Iron, you will be missed."

Once the blond god of thunder was out of sight, Tony slowly turned his gaze back to me. He had the audacity to paste a wide, sheepish grin on his features, "Oops?"

"What the fuck is an Avengers compound?" I nearly growled out. Tony opened his mouth and I pointed at him sharply, "If you say a compound for Avengers, I will drag you out to the deck and throw you off."

Tony chuckled, "The Tower is great, of course it is I designed it, but I thought it was time we expand. Stark Industries owns a bunch of land upstate, so I figured why not? Real pretty area. It's got a lake and everything."

I buried my face into my hand with a groan, "How am I just hearing about this now and on my day off no less?"

"It's hardly even SI business, it's more just Tony business? So, no real stress."

"Tony, everything involving you is stressful."

Tony smirked at me, "Have I told you how pretty you look today?"

With a roll of my eyes, I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and motioned for him to start talking. At this point, I should expect this kind of behavior. Tony leaned forward and began to dive into the details he had forgotten to tell me. Apparently, the compound was being built on his land, like he had said, and it was going to be crazy expansive. An entire campus of heroes. There would be rooms for the Avengers, much like they had floors here, multiple training areas, a cafeteria, his usual coffee shops, meeting rooms, and anything else a superhero might need to do superhero duties. If there was one thing to be said about Tony Stark it was that he did nothing halfway.

"If things stay on task, I'm estimating construction being done sometime next spring?" Tony shrugged, "Then we can start the transfer over."

"Alright, I have all that down, and you're also an idiot." I gave him a grin. Tony winked at me and I quickly stood up. According to my watch it was nearly one in the afternoon. Thanksgiving dinner was set to start at 6 PM tonight, but most of the guests would start trickling in earlier than that. Catering would be bringing in food and doing final touches in the penthouse kitchen around 4:30ish. "I'm gonna go get ready."

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