#15.5: Billy Bones' Broken Bar

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A/N: This here is a deleted scene. Needed to be written, but didn't fit well into the actual chapter! You'll see a few like these and you'll be able to tell them apart from the real chapter b/c of the '.5' thing!


"You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol, and an inside wound with drinking alcohol. It's science." –Nick Miller (New Girl)


"You're kidding me, right?" Tony exclaimed in disbelief. I grinned at his shocked features as he stared at the sketchy ass building in front of us. Admittedly, Billy's didn't look so great from the outside. It also didn't look so great on the inside, but it was my home for five years. I probably spent more time in this bar than I did my own apartment.

It was technically the bottom floor of an apartment complex, half of the bottom floor at least, and the front was made of red, crumbling brick with weeds littering the area where brick met concrete sidewalk. The windows were too dirty to look through, but there were thick, iron bars set in front of them.

Tony turned away from the building to look at me, "We are not going in there."

"You lost the bet!" I complained.

"First of all, you caught me in a damn loophole." Tony argued, then he motioned back to the building with the sunglasses he tore from his face, "Secondly, if we go in there, we are definitely getting our kidneys stolen."

I rolled my eyes, "God, you're dramatic."

"I feel like I'm getting tetanus just standing here." Tony groaned glancing around. The few people on the street who did pass us stared at Tony like he was an alien. For all intents and purposes, he kind of was. The look on his face told me he at least felt like one.

I looped my arm through his and began to pull us forward, "Billy's looks like shit, but this place has the best drinks in the city."

"Oh, I seriously doubt that."

"When we get in here, don't embarrass me." I said. We pushed into the door and the air went from sharp, cold, and crisp to moldy, dusty, and stale. Ah, home sweet home. It was 8 AM on a Monday so you'd think we'd be the only people out and about, but a few tables were taken up by other patrons. Billy's was a 24/7 kind of place. "Honey, I'm home!"

A familiar face popped up from under the bar, and I barely had time to react before they grabbed a glass off the counter and chucked it at me. I grabbed Tony by the front of his band shirt and yanked him down with me. The glass hit the wall behind us and shattered into pieces.

"What the fuck—" Tony began to yell, but his voice was overshadowed by another.

"Aj fucking Bradshaw!"

"Hey, Alex. You miss me?" I gave them a lopsided grin and slight wave. My nonchalant greeting did nothing but make the frown on their face deepen. Like always, they looked the same as they always did. Alex's short, blonde hair was longer on one side, shaved on the other, but right now it was hidden under a backwards, tan baseball cap. Their hazel eyes sat behind a pair of large wire-frame glasses that I knew they only wore for the aesthetic.

Alex scoffed, "Where the fuck have you been?" Their eyes drifted past me to the bewildered Tony, "Holy shit, did you bring Tony fucking Stark here?"

"Don't you read tabloids, Alex? I'm fucking him." I joked, and I heard Tony choke on his spit behind me.

Alex smirked with a laugh, "Oh, yeah right. I know your type and pretty boy doesn't do it for ya."

"Excuse me?" Tony snapped. "I'm a catch."

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