#25: Pretty Like a Car Crash

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"Damaged people love you like you are a crime scene before a crime has even committed. They keep their running shoes beside their souls every night, one eye open in case things change whilst they sleep. Their backs are always tense as though waiting to fight a sudden storm that might engulf them.

Because damaged people have already seen hell.

And damaged people understand that every evil demon that exists down there was once a kind angel before it fell."

—Nikita Gill


"Alright, now, I'm just walking down the street, minding my business and this guy walks right up into me. He's all up in my personal space." Aj was recounting the story of her morning walk using her arms to emphasize everything she said. There was a wide grin on her face, color to her features with extra pink from the biting cold outside, and amusement dancing in her lively, blue eyes. "And I immediately go into fight or flight because that's usually how my life works and I'm thinking he's gonna throw hands, but then this guy just holds out a half-eaten sandwich to me! Just holds it out and stares at me—"

She continued on with her story, but Steve just stared at her in reverence. He stared at her the way he assumed a man stranded on a desert island would stare at an approaching boat. The way an artist would stare at a work of art, and she was just that. Aj was a work of art.

Steve wasn't actually sure what happened. It was like a flip just switched and Aj started getting better. It started on the day that they worried it would get worse. The Avengers had a mission, and Sam was late to babysitting on no fault of his own. It was the perfect recipe for a disaster, but instead Aj slept through the night and through most of the morning. Fifteen hours. She slept for fifteen hours and woke up with an appetite. Watching her eat that first real meal, after having to watch her be a of ghost of who she was, was nothing short of a Goddamned miracle. He wasn't much of Catholic these days, but it nearly sent him to his knees with thankfulness that at least one of his whispered prayers had been heard.

Aj was still recovering. Only five days had passed since her turn around after all. She was eating and drinking and laughing though. She wasn't at 100% in the gym, but by all other accounts she was nearly mended.

"—so now, I'm running. Like sprinting for my life trying to chase down sandwich guy—" Aj continued and Steve noticed he wasn't the only one enchanted by her. He glanced over at Natasha who met his eyes and they shared a relieved smile. This was the first time they had done family breakfast in a while, but it seemed fitting. "Finally, I got back to the Tower, and yes the box of donuts I picked up are a little smushed—" She pointed to the crumpled up box in the middle of the table amongst the other foods. "—but I earned them through sweat, tears, and blood so y'all better enjoy that shit."

Clint suddenly stood up and held his hand over Aj's head, "I'd like to propose a formal vote. I believe strongly that the title of 'Human Disaster' pass from me to Aj. All those in favor?"

Bruce raised his hand, and Clint preened, but then he spoke, "How'd you get the double black eyes this time?"

"I..." Clint opened his mouth then mumbled something out.

Tony cupped his ear, "Say again, raccoon eyes?"

"I ran into a parked car, okay?" Clint scoffed then sat down with a huff when the table vetoed his vote. He pointed around the table in mock annoyance, "This is straight up harassment! The stress of this workplace has put me into a spiral of depression."

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