Chapter 1: The Omnitrix and Italica

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** Change of POV
~~ Timeskip/Flashback
abc Alien Form Talking
abc Thinking in Thought
'abc' Doing an Action
{abc} Speaking in Dragon
{abc} Dragon Language Translation
abc Omnitrix Speaking


*No One's POV*

Somewhere in a nearby forest near the city of Italica, a portal opens up and two being s shoot out of said portal and land on the ground, hard. The two are (Y/N) (L/N), age 25, the wielder of the Omnitrix and Riley, wielder of the Nemetrix. As the two slowly get up from the ground, the portal closes and the Omnitrix wielder takes in the surroundings.

*(Y/N) POV*

(Y/N): {Ugh, Rah ruth miiraak. Nust los ful riivakn.}
(Y/N): {Ugh, God damn portals. They are so annoying.}

I slowly popped my back as the landing hurt like hell. I looked at Riley as he looks at me.

(Y/N): How you doing, buddy?

Riley whines a bit and barks while jumping onto me and licking my face.

(Y/N): Okay, okay. That's enough.

Riley hops off me as we walked around the forest a bit.

(Y/N): A forest, huh? Well, better than being dropped in a middle of a fight, but I have a feeling that the other versions have already experienced that already. Now, what universe did we get thrown into?

Walking through the forest was a pain in the ass enough, but there wasn't a good clearing to see through. After hopping over some logs and climbing over rocks, Riley and I finally found a clearing.

(Y/N): Well, hot damn. We found a clearing! 'goes to clearing' Now, let's see what out here.

Out of the clearing, I saw a city of sorts, but it was surrounded by a wall. Looked like a medieval town to be exact. The walls had some burns like it had survived a battle, for now.

(Y/N): Huh, did we get sent into a medieval universe?

Riley whined a bit for confusion. I kneeled down and pat Riley's head.

(Y/N): Don't worry, buddy. I'm sure we- What the hell?

I looked back up and I saw three military jeeps driving close to the gate.

I looked back up and I saw three military jeeps driving close to the gate

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(A/N): I couldn't find the anime version, but this is close enough. Just pay attention to the vehicles.

(Y/N): Okay, I'm really confused now... Modern military vehicles in the medieval age? Now this world doesn't make sense.

I watched as the military vehicles stop a few yards from the gates.

(Y/N): Okay, this is getting seriously weird.

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