Chapter 2: Misunderstandings All Around

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** Change of POV
~~ Timeskip/Flashback
abc Alien Form Talking
abc Thinking in Thought
'abc' Doing an Action
{abc} Speaking in Dragon
{abc} Dragon Language Translation
abc Omnitrix Speaking


*No One's POV*

In a distance away from Italica, we find some of the Third Recon Team scouting the gates of Italica. Why you ask? Well, sometime ago, 1st Lt. Itami was, accidentally, taken captive by Pina's Rose Knights. As for (Y/N), well he decided to go Ghostfreak and follow the knights with Itami in tow. Back to the Third Recon, Kuribayashi was scouting the gates through her binoculars.

Kuribayashi: Hmm... I don't know you guys, he could totally be dead already.

Kurata: Hey, come on, Sarge. You're not supposed to say things like that. Besides, wasn't your boyfriend following them as Ghostfreak?

Kuribayashi grew a massive blush as she kicks Kurata on his side.

Kuribayashi: HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!! 'looks at gate again' Seriously, Kurata. They were really roughing him up when we drove off. As for Ghostfreak, he went invisible as we drove off, so I have no clue. I'm sure he has some plan. He left Riley here with us.

Everyone turned to Riley who was laying next to Kuribayashi.

Tomita: Be patient, guys... wait for the sunset.

Kurata: Aw, maaan...

Meanwhile over at the Folmar Manor, Pina was railing onto her knights for their actions against Itami. 

Pina: What the hell have you done?!

The sound of a chucked goblet with the sound of it hitting her knight's head. The goblet dropped to the floor spilling the contents. There was a trail of blood coming down her knight's forehead as Pina was breathing heavily. The knight that was hit was Bozes Co Palesti or "Yellow Rose," a young beautiful woman with blonde hair with "drill" hair style and brown eyes, and next to her was Panache Fure Kalgi or "Siler Rose," she had a more tomboyish look with silver hair in a short bob cut style and bright jade eyes.

Pina: You idiots!

Bozes fell to the floor while exhaling confusedly while Panache covered her wound.

Panache: 'looks at Pina' Your Majesty, what have we done to make you this angry?

Pina: Don't you get it?

Pina looks over as Hamilton tries to check on Itami, but all she got was some nervous chuckling as Itami plops to the floor. Little did they know a certain alien specter was watching.

????: Wow, you both did a number on him.

The knights jumped from the unknown, eerie voice.

Panache: Show yourself!

????: My pleasure.

The ghostly specter showed itself and freaked out both Bozes and Panache. Pina and Hamilton were startled, but saw the familiar specter before.

Pina: Ghostfreak! Uh... this isn't what it looks like.

Panache: Your Majesty, you know this fiend?

Ghostfreak: 'gets into Panache's face' Okay, "fiend" is a bit much. 'looks at Pina' I seen everything that happened. This is just a big misunderstanding, a really big one.

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