Chapter 7: Itami and (Y/N) Might...

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** Change of POV
~~ Timeskip/Flashback
abc Alien Form Talking
abc Thinking in Thought
'abc' Doing an Action
{abc} Speaking in Dragon
{abc} Dragon Language Translation
abc Omnitrix Speaking


*(Y/N) POV*

It's been a few days since I've been in the Capitol of the Empire, and I've been around Pina and Sugawara mediating between the Japan and the Empire, and things have been going smoothly for the most part. Little by little, more politicians have sided for peace rather than war. Thank God for that, I don't want to deal with most of that shit anyways. I was sitting near a cafe of sorts with Pina, since Sugawara had to go relay information back to Japan. I was drinking some tea with Pina drinking hers.

(Y/N): 'drinks tea' Ah... This is nice. 'stretches' I needed this. 

Pina: 'sighs' Yes, it has been quite eventful the past few days, but we are getting closer for peace.

(Y/N): That's good to hear.

I was about to take another drink when one of my communicators went off. I searched around for it and found it in my coat pocket. I turned it on and spoke through it.

(Y/N): Yello! Who's this?

Yao: It's me, Yao. The dark elf from the inn.

(Y/N): Oh, yes. I remember. Find any "green ones?"

Yao: Yes, but they don't understand a single word I've said. The pervert with the teenager from the Inn had the same outfit.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, that was Itami. He knows the language barrier better than anyone, well besides me. The ones you've probably talked to were mostly the ones who stand guard or patrol around the town, and they don't necessarily talk to anyone.

Yao: I need to find him.

(Y/N): Well, if anything Itami would help. Like I said, talk to them first and get back to me.

Yao: Of course, thank you.

(Y/N): Anytime, good hunting.

I turned the communicator off and noticed Pina staring at me.

(Y/N): What's that look for?

Pina: Who was that?

(Y/N): Pina, there's nothing to worry about. That was just a dark elf I met at the Inn when I went back to Alnus that night. Yao Huu Dushi was her name.

Pina: Oh?

(Y/N): Pina, I promise you there is nothing to be worked up about.

Pina: She could have seduced you away from Kuribayashi and me!

(Y/N): Really? Pina, I barely even seen her body at all. She wore a cloak that covered her body, the only part of her I saw were her head, ears, hair, and face. That's all.

Pina: You sure?

(Y/N): Why would I lie to my girlfriend? I love you too much, Pina.

Pina: 'sighs' I love you too, (Y/N). 'stands' We should get ready to meet with the diplomat that's arriving.

(Y/N): Eh... say what?

Pina: Did I forget to say that Sugawara mentioned another diplomat coming by?

(Y/N): This is the first I'm hearing of this...

Pina: Shortly, we are to meet with some of the Rose Knights before leaving.

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