Chapter 3: Omnitrix in Japan

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** Change of POV
~~ Timeskip/Flashback
abc Alien Form Talking
abc Thinking in Thought
'abc' Doing an Action
{abc} Speaking in Dragon
{abc} Dragon Language Translation
abc Omnitrix Speaking


*(Y/N) POV*

After all that happened at Alnus Hill, I went through the gate with everyone, including Riley, and we entered Japan with the sight of towering skyscrapers. The looks on Pina, Bozes, and Tuka were priceless, but Rory was smiling. Lelei kept her monotoned expression together, but I figured she was shocked as well.

Bozes: These towers... they're so... tall.

Pina: 'looks at tower' Look at that... there's people inside.

(Y/N): Yeah, with what amount of land that could be used. People started building upwards into the sky.

Rory: Does that mean the country is relatively small?

(Y/N): Compared to other bodies of land, yes. Plus, Japan has a large population too.

Pina: One thing's for sure...

(Y/N): And that would be?

Pina: We've discovered a country where they make miracles every day.

(Y/N): Ehh... with time, resources, and money. Yeah, they can.

Pina: 'looks down' Our Empire has started a war against them.

I seen Pina's face and she was worried and a bit scared. I patted her shoulder and looks at me. I gave her a small smile as she gave one back, with a blush.

Pina: Thank you, (Y/N). It helped a bit.

(Y/N): I sure hope so. I know you're scared, but you should relax a bit and take in the moment. You are among the many who came through the Gate, but under more peaceful conditions.

Pina: You do have a point.

A slight cold breeze made its way to us and made most of everyone shiver from the coldness.

Tuka: 'shivers' Oh my, it's cold out here.

(Y/N): I guess a wooly turtleneck wasn't good enough, huh?

Kuribayashi: Told you it was gonna be? 'looks at me' Cold getting to you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Nah, cold never bothers me. Just the insufferable waiting is killing me.

Kuribayashi: I know, but just a bit longer.

Itami: 'looks at Tuka' Are you okay? I can get you a coat.

Tuka: 'shakes head' Nuh-uh, I'm fine.

(Y/N): Sure, you say that now, but later you'll say you should have taken that coat.

Kuribayashi: Well, you just let us know when you realize you need one.

Tuka chuckled a bit. I simply gave a smirk until we heard a voice on the sideline.

????: Well, there he is.

We all looked towards a man, roughly middle-aged, wearing a large tannish colored coat over a black buttoned vest. He wore a white shirt underneath his vest with a red tie. His pants were black with black dress shoes.

 His pants were black with black dress shoes

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