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"So, what do I call you?" Theleema walked down the steps of the temple.

"Sever's fine."

"But that's not your real name, is it?"

"It's one of them. How about you? Do you prefer the Crimson Lady or—?"

"That's how I'm known in the underworld. Call me Theleema."

"What, that's it? No Darth Odious or Darth Forlornius?"

The comment made her laugh. "I am not a Sith. You have an interesting fighting style. Where did you learn it?"

"I came up with it."

"You created your own lightsaber form?"

"Mano Cerrada." Sever picked up his helmet from the ground. "Though it has evolved into a combat philosophy more than a form."

Theleema's disbelief turned to awe. "I like the idea of the extra blades on the pummels. Pretty useful to maim your opponents."

"I like your crossguard lightsaber too."

"Similar idea as you." She took her cloak and dusted it off.

"The lightwhip is an interesting choice."

"It has served my sisters well for many centuries."

"Were you in the Battle of Dathomir?"

"You mean the Massacre of the Nightsisters."

"Is that why you became Maul's apprentice, to seek revenge?"

She got near him. "I was nothing until my Master arrived in Dathomir; forgotten like the rest of my sisters. I was weak, scared—my Master showed me the way to achieve true power and avenge my sisters." Theleema walked toward the entrance of the temple.

"That path doesn't end where you think it does."

Theleema stopped and scoffed, "You're one to talk."

"Not my words, my Master's. He buried the woman he loved in these waters—one of your sisters, Asajj Ventress. She sought to redress the tragedy of your clan and in the end came to regret it."

Theleema jeered at the thought. "Your Master was in love with Asajj Ventress?"

"Hard to believe, right? Don't worry. It didn't last long, nor did it end well." He continued outside to pass her.

Theleema followed him. "Ventress was the best of us. She's the reason I sought to learn from my Master. I fought beside her during the Separatist's assault. I'll never forget it, how she leapt into the middle of the battle, wielding her lightsabers... I wanted to be like her."

"How did you survive?"

"I almost didn't, if it wasn't for one of my sisters. She dragged me away from the battlefield and healed my wounds." Her expression became embittered. "No one came to our rescue."

"We all backed the wrong people." Sever picked up his backpack and rifle by the Thorn.

"A little too late for self-reflection, isn't it?" Theleema boarded the starship.

"It never is."

Dropping his things off at the crew lounge, Sever took the lift up to the cockpit with Theleema, where she piloted the Star Currier off planet. Once inflight, Theleema introduced a datacard in the computer.

"This is the file that came attached to the code." Theleema wheeled her chair around to face the silhouette appearing over the central holoprojector.

The digital voice of the Pharos spoke: "For his service to the Empire, and based on his philosophy of rule by fear, Emperor Palpatine has rewarded Governor Wilhuff Tarkin with a new political title; Grand Moff. This rank makes those bestowed with it, governors of oversectors or priority sectors; the Outer Rim Territory in Tarkin's case.

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