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In a dark chamber, deep in the bowels of the Imperial Palace, two Royal Guards kept silent vigil over a vaporous bacta tank, highlighted by the white liquid inside. The visual receptors of an FX-9 surgical assistant droid shone in the gloom as it as it checked the patient's vitals. On its signal, a DD-13 medical droid activated the cylinder's draining mechanism. As the viscous liquid ebbed, a suspended charred and mangled figure in a breathing mask came to view. Darth Vader opened his glaring sunburnt eyes. When the jaws of the chamber's blast doors opened, the Sith Lord strode out in a polished suit of armor to the sound of his ominous breathing.

A thunderstorm pierced Coruscant's night sky, as Darth Vader made his way to the Emperor's throne room. Darth Sidious watched from his chair, relishing in the resolute anger and hatred he felt coming from his apprentice.

"Lord Vader," The Emperor said. "I see you have healed well from your wounds."

Vader genuflected in front of the Dark Lord of the Sith and said, "What is thy bidding, my Master?"

"Rise, my old friend. I sense a great drive within you."

"I'm ready to hunt down the Jedi who dared try to kill you."

"Patience, my friend. Do not let your hunger for justice distract you from our greater vision. We have much work to do to secure the future of our Empire."

"Project Stardust?"

"Project Eternal Dawn. The knowledge found in the pages of the Chronicles of Brus-bu will help us achieve our plans to eradicate our enemies."

"What about the First Sister? She can't be trusted."

"The only thing you can trust about those who walk in the dark side of the Force is their never-ending desire for greater power."

"Why not use the shrine?"

"The Jedi were no fools. The Splinter of the Mind's Eye can only be opened by the light side of the Force." Though the Emperor began to wonder what to kind of dimension the shrine offered entrance. He made a mental note to devote a bit of time to finding out.

"It's activation caused a great disturbance in the Force."

"I felt it too. Looks like our Inquisitors have tampered with powers beyond their limited understanding."

"Then, why allow the First Sister to live and have her supervise Project Eternal Dawn?"

"Because now that we have the Chronicles of Brus-bu, the project can move ahead. Besides, I want to learn about the power she has unleashed."

"How do you wish to deal with the Jedi?"

"They're nothing but a minor nuisance. Let the Inquisitors handle them. It's just a matter of time before they answer for their pointless transgression—and our dear Senator Chuchi too."

"But with the holocron Cere Junda and her apprentice stole from the Fortress Inquisitorius containing the names of Force-sensitive children, the Jedi could rebuild their order." Vader spoke of a pair of Jedi fugitives the Inquisitors had currently failed to kill, losing two of their own in the process.

The Emperor laughed. "Let them try. All they will do is hasten the end of the Jedi Purge. Besides, the few surviving Jedi are too afraid for their lives to risk coming together in large numbers. But I sense those aren't the targets occupying your thoughts."

Vader took a moment before he spoke, "Syrran Qer, I want to face him again."

The Emperor knew the unresolved outcome of Vader's duel with the Chiss Jedi was something his apprentice wouldn't be able to forgive and forget. The Emperor had ordered the death of the troopers present at the training hall to preserve Vader's reputation as his unrelenting enforcer. He also would order the rest of the Inquisitors never to bring any report about the Chiss and his friends to Lord Vader.

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