The plan 😌😌

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The next day:
Man, I keep trying to pay attention to my sister's rundown for her video, but I can't stop thinking about... her.
Lr: So are you down Brent?
Br: Uhh repeat that?
Lexi rolled her eyes.
Lr: I already repeated it twice!!
Br: Again?
Lr: What's on your mind? You're not focused at all.
I looked at my watch.
Br: Im just hungry, I guess. Wanna get food?
Lr: With the squad? We did that yesterday.
Br: We can just go.
Lr: But Jeremy and Ben are coming over in about an hour to film.
Br: We have time.
Lr: How about we postmates?
Br: No!!
Lr: Well where do you want to go so badly?
Br: ummm... Nowhere specific....
Lr: lets go to Starbucks! Ive been craving the-
Br: hmmm maybe McDonald's?
Lr: McDonald's? Brent, we went there yesterday. I wanna go somewhere else.
Br: fine, fine, but I'm driving.
Lr: Okay, I want Starbucks.
I smirked, thinking about my little plan.
Br: Alright
Lr: sweet.
We grabbed our stuff and met in my car.
Lr: I'm gonna get....  A vanilla frap. What about you?
I thought about what to say. I don't feel guilty for this. Hah
Br: I dunno. Maybe just a coffee.
We're almost to "our destination."
Lr: I'm in such a Starbucks mood. Ya know?
Br: Hmm. I guess.
Here comes Starbucks...
Lr: ooh we're here!
I missed the turn... Oops... >:)
Lr: Brent! You missed it!
Br: Oh! Did I really?
Lr: Yes, now turn around!
Br: Wait- I need gas.
Thats a fat lie- I have a half full tank, but there's a gas station next to McDonald's.
Lr: We'll get gas after. I want my drink and food.
Br: No, I mean it's reeeeally low. We need to get gas right now.
Lr: Make it quick.
We arrived at the gas station and I got out to pump my tank, even though it isn't really needed. I pretend to look around and notice the McDonald's.
Br: Lexi, look! Theres a place we can get food right there!
Lr: No. Once you fill the tank, we're going to Starbucks.
Br: hmmm... You see lexi, whos car is this?
Lr: Shut up. You said we were getting Starbucks!
Br: Well there's food right there! Right place at the right time I guess.
Lr: We went there yesterday! I don't wanna go again!
Br: Okay, the tank is full. Maybe when you stop complaining, I'll drive you somewhere.
Lr: I'm about to leave this car and walk to Starbucks.
Br: Have fun.
I climbed back in the driver's seat.
Lr: Remind me not to get food with you ever again.
Br: Nah.
I drove out of the gas station into the McDonald's parking lot. I really hope she's here.
Lexi crossed her arms.
I parked the car.
Lr: Why don't you go through the drive thru? It's faster.
Br: Because I wanna get my steps in. Now, when you stop acting so salty, I'll get you what you want.
Lexi rolled her eyes once again.
Lr: Just get me a medium fry and a sprite.
I bowed like a genie.
Br: As you wish.
I headed inside, suddenly excited. Please be here Pierson. I want to see your face again.
I took a deep breath, then opened the doors. A smile crept onto my face.
She is here. Once again, her line was twice as long as her coworker's. Unsurprising. I joined her line again.
After a few people went, I was next behind this big sweaty dude.
Dude: And can I get... Uhh...... Hmmm....
This is taking forever. Finally, he finished his order. Now its my turn.
P: hey, its you again!
As soon as I heard her voice, I smiled.
Br: And its you again too!
P: it is. Another big order today?
Br: Nope, just enough for my little sister and I.
P: Ahh. How old is she?
Br: 20.
Pierson laughed.
P: sorry for laughing, I just expected you to say 7 or something.
Br: Its cool. Is that close to your age?
P: Its pretty close. I'm 22.
Br: Cool, I'm 23.
P: We're pretty close in age.
Br: We are.
P: hey, I didn't get a text from you yesterday or today. I gave you my number-
Br: oh yeah, I'm sorry- I just-
P: No, it's fine. I was just expecting-
Br: I got caught up in something yesterday.
Pierson smiled.
P: Okay well I-
Br: sorry. I'll just get a big Mac, medium fry, and 2 sprites please.
P: Okay, your total is *****. I'll call you over when it's ready.
Br: Thank you.
I can't stop staring at her face- shes an angel sent from heaven or something. Something about her eyes to me is incredibly attractive. And I can't forget about her cute freckles. And her dimples when she smiles. I can go on and on.
After 10 minutes
P: Rivera!
I get up and make my way over to her. She smiled at me. I'm melting. She handed the bag to me.
P: See you around.
Br: You too.
I start walking outside slowly, as if to bask in the moment.
A hand taps me on the shoulder as in about to walk out the door.
I turn around. It's her.
P: Sorry, you forgot your card.
Br: Oh, yeah. Thanks.
P: No problem.
She squeezed my shoulder, then quickly made her way back behind the cash register.
After going back to my car, Lexi pulled the bag from my hands.
Br: hey!-
Lr: You took too long. Gimme my fries.
I still felt where she squeezed my shoulder. I need to text her tonight.

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