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Brent POV
Home at last. I can't wait for tomorrow. Its not too terribly late, but I might just go to bed so tomorrow will come faster. Yes. I'm going to bed.
I started up the stairs to my room, but Lexi stepped in front of me and blocked my path.
I groaned.
Lr: So... How was the funeral?
Br: Great!
Lexi raised an eyebrow.
Br: No- No it was sad, but good to see everyone. Jimmy was a good man.
Lr: Jimmy? I thought it was Kevin's funeral.
Br: His middle name was Jimmy. It was a reoccuring joke that we called each other by our middle names.
Lr: I'm not buying it.
Br: Fine. I didn't go to a funeral...
Lr: Yeah. I know.
I tried walking past her, but she blocked my way.
Lr: You really think you can just end the conversation like that?
Br: I was hoping...
Lr: Who was it?
Br: Huh?
Lr: Who was the lucky girl?
I smiled after I thought of a funny idea to get back at my sister.
Br: Lexi.
Lr: What?
Br: I went with Lexi.
Lr: You don't mean-
Br: Yep. Lexi Hensler.
Lr: You did not-
Br: I did. Call her and ask.
Lr: I think I just will.
She pulled out her phone and facetimed Lexi h.
When her back was turned, I bolted up the stairs to my room amd closed the door. I'm in a great mood. Ima go live.
Pierson POV
After I arrived back home, I smiled down at the yellow flowers in my lap. I grabbed my stuff from the car and made my way inside. Surprisingly, my brother wasn't waiting at the door like I thought he would be. I peeked into his room. He's on his phone watching something. Thank goodness. After I made my way to my room, I got changed and took off my makeup.
I need water so my flowers don't dry up. I hurried down to the kitchen.
My mom came down the stairs.
PM(Pierson's mom): Pierson? Its nine o'clock at night. What do you need a vase for?
I grinned and held up my flowers.
PM: Oh my- those are beautiful!
P: I know.
PM: Did you buy them?
P: Nope. They were a gift.
PM: Ooh do you have a secret admirer?
P: Is it secret if I went on a date with him?
PM: You went on a date? Why didnt you tell me? I wanna meet him.
P: We're going again tomorrow.
PM: Really? It must have went well today then.
I smiled.
P: It did.
My mom got me a vase. I brought the flowers to my room. Hmm... Ima make Logan mad and flaunt my flowers.
I made my way over and barged into his room.
He didn't look up. He was still staring intently at his phone.
P: Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logannnnnnn.
L: Shut up.
P: Look what I haveeee.
I held up the flowers. He didn't look.
L: Cool. Bye.
P: Why are you being annoying?
Logan stifled a laugh.
L: Why am I being annoying?!? I'm not the one going, 'Logan. Logan. Logan.'
P: What was I supposed to do? You weren't looking up. I got flowerssss!!!
L: Go cry about it.
P: Dudeeee look at these!! I got them from my date.
L: Pierson. I don't care. I'm busy.
P: Doing what?
He showed me his screen.
L: I'm watching a live. Now go away.
P: Wait- Who was that?
L: A youtuber I watch.
P: He looks like....
L: His name is Brent Rivera.
My jaw dropped.
Logan made a weird face at me.
L: What? Do you not know who that is?
P: Nope. I definitely know who that is.
L: Okay....
P: As a matter of a fact, he gave me these flowers.
L: Sure.
P: He did. I went out with him today. We went to the movies.
L: You're lying.
P: I'm not. Gimme your phone.
L: Nooo I'm watching this.
I snatched it out of his hands.
In the live, it was just brent in his room answering questions that the viewers were asking.
Br: Okay so next question... Who is your favorite from the squad? Uhhh.... I honestly have no idea. I love every member equally- except my sister. Shes annoying.
Hmmm.. Lets see another question.... Do you have feelings for anyone in the squad?
Brent laughed.
Br: Theres only two girls in the squad and one of them is my sister. You're basically asking me if I have a crush on Lexi hensler. No- I love her- but no.
Are you over Eva? Oh yes. Ive definitely moved on from Eva. We're still great friends and I wish her the best, but I don't have romantic feelings for her.
P: No way! I didn't know you were a fan of him!
L: Why does it matter so much?
P: I went out with him today. On a date.
L: Shut up, Pierson! If you did, you wouldn't be so casual about it.
P: I didn't even know he was famous until some people recognized him at the movies.
L: Shut up. He's famous off vine and YouTube!
P: I'm never on social media.
L: You're such a bad liar.
Br: Okay.... Oh- Lexi Hensler wants to join my live.... Lemme just...
Lh: Am I in?
Br: Yeah.
Lh: Why did you tell your sister we went on a date today??!?!
Br: Lexi! I'm on live!
Lh: I know! Answer the question!
Br: Just to mess with her. She wanted to know who I went out with today.
Lh: Did you actually go out with someone today?
Br: Yep.
Br: Sofie and Eva both have boyfriends and no, it wasn't Kat.
Brent smiled.
Br: Its a mystery.
Lh: You mean you don't know?!?
Br: No- I know but you don't.
Lh: I'm gonna find out....
Br: Good luck.
Brent kicked her out of the live.
Br: Haha
P: He's so hot.
L: Ayoooo. Bro.
P: Just stating facts.
L: He's not. That girl in the live with him though....
P: Bro shes way out of your league.
L: And hes way out of yours.
P: Stay mad, but I went on a date with Brent Rivera and I have another date tomorrow with him. He's even picking me up.
L: You said that about today. You lied.
P: Well I'm not lying about this.
L: Prove it.
P: How am I supposed to... WAIT I CAN PROVE IT! WE TOOK PICTURES!
I ran to my room and grabbed my bag, then ran back.
P: You ready?
L: Yea, sure, whatever.
P: Tadaaaa!!
I pulled out the set of photos we took in the photo booth.
L: What- that's- that can't be him.
P: But it is.
L: I'm still not buying it. Those could be fake.
P: Bro ()-().

Yayyayay hope u like it hehheheh

Also, heres the top pic from last time since someone asked!!

Also, heres the top pic from last time since someone asked!!

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Anddd brierson pic of the dayyy :D

Anddd brierson pic of the dayyy :D

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