Christmas Party!!

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Guys this one is super long again but it's also another favorite chap of mine!!

The next day, at 3:30
Pierson POV

The party is at 4. I'm so excited! I hope it's not a formal wear or anything. Its a Christmas party, so I assume not. It's Christmas Eve, the perfect day for this! I'm so excited! Have I mentioned that already? It's all I have been thinking about all day. When I woke up this morning, at work, right now. I hope Brent likes the present I got him. It's kind of expensive, but it's a custom designed watch. It says his name on it. I think it's cool and hey- if he doesn't like it, I'll gladly take it. What should I wear? Maybe I'll wear my sparkly red sweater. That's Christmassy. I'll just wear my green leggings with it.
After I got dressed, I looked in the mirror. I look so ✨festive✨.
I brushed my hair then curled it slightly. I redid my makeup from this morning.
There. Now I'm ready. I hope Logan doesn't notice me leaving. He's just so jealous because he's been single his whole life. Sucks to suck dude.
Anyway, I should be going now.
I looked out my door and slunk downstairs. Haha. Logan doesn't see me. I went outside and hopped in my car. Brent's gift is already in here.
Time to go.

Brent POV
I looked out the window. There's a party going on but I'm standing by the window and looking out it.
??: Whatcha doin, Brent?
I spun around.
Lexi Hensler was there, smirking at me.
Br: Oh, nothing. Are you enjoying the party?
Lh: Sure. Now why are you looking out the window during a party?
Br: I'm waiting on someone.
Lh: Your girlfriend that you've been seeing everyday for a while?
Br: Wha- she's not my girlfriend.
Lh: Really. Lexi told me that you guys kissed.
Br: So?
Lh: Twice.
Br: And?
Lh: Probably more than that.
Br: Who cares?
Lh: And you're not dating yet?
Br: Let me enjoy my Christmas party in peace.
I turned to look for Pierson out the window again.
Lh: Simp.
She walked away.
So what if im a simp? Anyone could be a simp for Pierson. Shes perfect.
??: Nice sweater.
I spun around again.
This time Jeremy was standing there.
I looked down at the sweater Lexi h gave me to wear. It was a llama with a santa hat on and lights dangling around its neck. Its kinda ugly.
Br: Its the only Christmas top I have.
J: Well it'll certainly impress your girl. Where is she, by the way?
Br: She's coming.
J: Is that who you're watching for?
Br: I'm- no. I'm just looking out the window. Can I not look out the window without everyone calling me a simp?
J: I didn't call you a simp, but you are one. What does she look like?
Br: None of your business.
J: I'm not gonna steal her or anything, I just wanna know what ma boy picked up.
I rolled my eyes.
J: Is she hot?
Br: Yes. Now go away.
Jeremy smiled smugly at me and then walked away.
I turned back toward the window.
A few minutes later, a car drove up. I looked in the driver's seat and saw Pierson.
I pushed my way through everyone to go greet her. I was about to put my hand on the doorknob when I decided not to. I don't want Pierson knowing i was watching for her. I'll just wait for her to knock on the door.
I waited a few minutes, but she didn't come. I know shes here, I saw her. Why isn't she coming?
I waited a few more minutes, then decided to go greet her after all.
I opened the door and stepped into the warm day, despite it being December.
I walked over to her car.
She wasn't paying attention.
I knocked on her window.
She saw me, then rolled it down.
Br: Hi Pierson.
P: Oh, hey Brent.
She smiled nervously at me.
Br: What's that face for?
P: What face?
Br: You look nervous.
P: I am.
Br: Why?
P: What if they don't like me?
Br: Really? You're nervous about that? Pierson, everyone who's ever met you adores you!
P: I just don't know if your friends will like me....
Br: Why do you think that?
P: You guys are all famous youtubers and I work at McDonald's. There's a fine line in between.
Br: So? Who cares?
P: I do.
Br: Well you shouldn't. We don't care about your social status or your bank account. We care about your personality.
She smiled.
P: Thank you.
Br: Any day.
She opened the door and got out of the car.
Br: Lets go.
P: Wait.
She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.
Br: Aww.
I covered my mouth.
Br: I didn't mean to say that out loud.
She laughed and pushed me.
P: Lets go.
I took her by her hand and led her inside.
She looked surprised.
P: It looks very different in here than the other day.
Br: Yup. I have to film snippets of this party for my youtube video.
P: Okay. Go ahead.
I took my camera off the table I put it on. I turned it on.
Br: So we're at our annual Christmas party with all our friends!!
I pointed the camera at Pierson.
Br: Say hi Pierson.
P: Hi.
Br: So lets do a little tour of this place.
It's so crowded. Theres a lot of people here.
Pierson and I walked around and I showed off around the house.
I turned off the camera.
Br: That's enough filming for now. What do you want to do next?
Before she could answer, the lexi's came over.
Lr: Hey guys. Hows the party?
They're up to something.
They both had suspicious smiles on their faces.
Br: Good. Do you know what will make it better?
Lr: What?
Br: If you two go away.
They both ignored me.
Lh: Your name is Pierson, right?
P: Yes.
Lh: I'm Lexi.
P: You're both Lexi?
Lh: Yup. I've heard all about you. Brent never shuts up.
Br: Be quiet Lexi.
Lh: I'm not lying.
I noticed that my sister disappeared.
Br: Shut up.
P: So... great party.
Lh: Yeah. Have you met these people?
She motioned to people around us.
P: I know a few.
Lexi then stepped back and grinned.
??: Hey lovebirds!
We turned around to see my sister on a stool beside us.
Lr: Mistletoe!
She held a mistletoe branch thing over our heads.
I looked nervously at Pierson. As much as I'd like kissing her, there are too many people here. I like keeping my lovelife private. These 2 Lexi's are the reason. They're so nosy.
Some people have started paying attention to us.
Pierson smiled quickly at me, then pulled my face down and kissed my cheek. I can settle for that. She grinned at me and I smiled sheepishly back at her.
Lh: Aww.
Lr: Ship! Ship!
I just rolled my eyes. I took Pierson's hand and led her away.
Br: Those two are always in my business.
P: I feel you. Did my brother actually put you through a lie detector test?
Br: Yes.
P: Aww, I'm so sorry!
She hugged me as an apology.
Br: Don't be sorry. It wasn't you who did it. It was fine anyway.
She let go of me.
P: But I forgot we had cameras in front of our house. My brother saw us kiss a few times.
Br: So?
P: I thought you liked keeping your love life private.
Br: I mean what is he gonna do about it?
P: He made you take a lie detector test! Thats just ridiculous.
Br: It's okay, Pierson. It was a good thing actually.
She looked surprised.
P: It was? How?
Br: It helped me get your Christmas present.
P: You got me a present?
Br: Of course.
E: Hey guys!
We turned to see Eva standing there, beside her boyfriend, Olav.
Br: Hey.
E: I see you're with Pierson again.
She raised her eyebrows up and down.
I rolled my eyes.
Br: Why is everyone looking at us like that?
E: Because you two would be so cute together! The hottest new couple around here.
Br: Bye Eva.
Olav took the hint and walked Eva away.
I turned to Pierson.
Br: Can you go to my room? I wanna give you my present. I have to get something real quick.
P: I have a present for you in my car.
Br: Aww.
P: I'll meet you in your room after I get it.
Br: Okay.
I watched her go out the door and then I quickly went to get what I wanted to get.

Pierson POV
I went to my car to get Brent's present. I really hope he likes it. I don't know if he will. Now I'm getting nervous.
I grabbed the small box out of the passenger seat and went back inside. I started climbing the steps when a voice made me stop.
Lr: Where are you going?
I turned around, already halfway up the steps.
P: Upstairs.
Lr: Why? The party is down here.
P: I'm giving Brent something.
Lr: Is it a kiss?
Lexi laughed at herself.
I rolled my eyes.
P: No. It's a Christmas present.
Lr: Is it a mistletoe?
I ignored her and continued walking up the stairs.
I went into Brent's room.
Br: Ready?
P: Yes. Do you wanna open mine first or-?
Br: Can you open mine? Wait- no. Yes. No.
He seems antsy and excited.
P: I'll open yours first.
Br: Okay.
He handed me an envelope.
Br: Go ahead. Open it.
He gave me an excited smile while he watched me.
P: Okay.
I opened the envelope and stuck my hand inside and pulled out the contents.
My mouth dropped open.
Brent smiled widely at me.
P: Shut up. This is a prank.
Br: Its not.
P: Oh my-
I can't even form words.
The envelope held 2 tickets to Disneyland.
Br: Well. What do you think?
I just sat there with my mouth open, holding the tickets. These cost a fortune.
I didn't say anything. I just tackled him onto his bed with a bonecrushing hug.
He said something, but I was on top of him and I couldn't hear it. It sounded kinda like he said 'help.'
I got off of him and pulled him to his feet, then hugged him very tightly again.
P: Thank you so much. If this is a prank I'm gonna cry.
Br: It's not a prank.
I didn't let go of him. He didn't let go of me either.
P: Who should I bring with me?
He let go of me.
P: I'm only kidding. Of course I'm bringing you.
Suddenly, I frowned.
Br: Whats wrong?
P: This was so amazing..... But the present I got you isn't even close to as good as this.
Br: I don't care. I already got what I wanted.
He smirked at me.
I turned back toward the bed to hide my blush and get his present.
I handed it to him.
P: It's not much.
He started opening it.
Br: I'm sure it-
He stopped and his jaw dropped.
Br: Oh my gosh, this must've cost a lot.
He held the custom made watch with his name on it.
Br: I love it.
P: Really?
Br: Of course! Help me put it on.
He handed it to me.
I started putting it around his wrist.
P: Are you really not capable of putting this on yourself?
Br: No, i am.
I looked at him and saw him looking at me. I smiled.
P: There. I think its pretty.
Br: Its beautiful.
But he wasn't looking at the watch. He was still looking at me.
I felt the urge to lean in, but he turned away.
Br: I have one more present for you.
P: Really? But the first one was so amazing.
Br: Its okay, because it'll count as a present for me too.
He went over and reached under his bed. When his arm came out, it was holding something from earlier. The mistletoe branch.
We both looked between the branch and each other and before we knew it, our lips collided. He dropped the branch and wrapped an arm around my waist. His other hand was on the side of my face.
It was like that for a while, until there was a knock at the door. We both flew apart and the door opened.
Both of the Lexis were standing outside.
Lh: Whats going on up here.
Br: We were exchanging Christmas presents.
Lr: Sure you were.
Brent and I both noticed that she saw the mistletoe branch on the floor.
Brent went over and closed the door in their faces.
Br: That was close.
P: We should probably get back down to the party.
Br: Probably.
He went over and kicked the mistletoe branch under his bed, then went over to the door.
Br: You ready?
He started opening it, but I put my hand on it to close it again.
I pulled his face down and kissed him one more time. We let go a few seconds later.
P: Now I'm ready.
He grinned at me, then opened the door. We walked back to the party together.

Woah congrats if u read this far cuz that was a long one! I hope you had a merry Christmas and have a happy new year!

Brierson pic of the day

Brierson pic of the day

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