the date pt 2 :))

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Pierson POV
We're heading over to where our movie is being played.
Br: Wow
Brent pointed to a movie poster for what we're seeing.
Br: That looks kinda scary. Are you sure you don't wanna back out of this bet and go watch My little pony instead?
I laughed.
P: Definitely not. And when I win, you're gonna wish you dropped out.
Br: For sure.
We headed inside. The place was packed full- mostly by college students.
Br: Let's find some seats before I get stuck sitting next to a scaredy cat.
P: If we're sitting by each other, than that's what I'll be doing.
He nudged me- not hard- but I wasnt expecting it and I hit the wall.
He laughed.
P: Oh its on.
I pushed him and he ran into a group of girls. They're definitely a college clique- I'm guessing the bratty, stuck up girls.
Girl1: Hey! Watch it!
Br: Sorry.
I covered my mouth and tried as hard as I could not to laugh.
Girl2: Do it again dude. See what happens.
Girl3: Stop laughing ugly hag!
P: 😳😳😳
Br: Don't talk to her that way!
Girl1: Look. Its simple. Bump into me again and you'll pay the price. Do you know how much these shoes are worth?
Brent put his hands in the air.
Br: Sorry! Geez. It was an accident. No reason to get all pressed.
A fourth girl whispered in their ears.
They whispered back and forth.
Girl2: I don't care who he- WAIT how many followers?
All the girls looked at Brent.
Girl: Woah. You're Brent Rivera- the one with 22 million Instagram followers!
Br: Yep. And?
My jaw dropped. 22 million? 22 MILLION?! How do I not know about him?!
Girl1: Can we get pictures.
Br: No. You were rude to me and my friend.
Girl2: What?!
Brent pulled me by my hand up to where there were 2 seats by each other.
Br: Finally. We're alone.
P: Well-
Da(Daniel): Hey Pierson!
I groaned. Really? He has to show up on my date?
P: Hey Daniel...
Br: Who's that?
P: Oh, a guy I work with.
Da: I'm Daniel. Who are you?
Br: I'm Brent.
Da: Cool. Anyway, Pierson we should go watch a better movie together.
P: Wait- why would you come in here just to suggest to watch a different movie?
Da: I assumed you'd want to accompany me.
P: Well you assumed wrong. I'm here to see this movie with my......
Br: date. I'm her date.
Da: Pierson, you said you were single and ready to mingle.
P: I never said that.
Da: Don't lie.
I turned towards Brent.
I whispered so Daniel couldn't hear me:
P: Can we please switch spots?
He have me a warm smile.
Br: Of course.
We switched spots.
Da: Hey! I was talking to her.
Br: Shh! The movie is starting!
Da: No it isn't!
Br: Shh!
Da: But-
Br: Shh!
I giggled.
P: I guess I'm paying on our next two dates. You totally saved my butt.
Br: Its nothing.
P: We'll see. Hey- let's take a picture.
Br: Alright.
We took it.
Br: Tag me when you post it.
P: On what?
Br: Instagram.
P: I don't have Instagram.
Br: What!? Yes you do. I found your- I mean I swear I thought I saw you on there once.
P: I did have it, but I uninstalled it. It got pretty toxic.
Br: Ah. I get it. Well send that to me and I'll post it.
P: For 22 million people?
Br: Well, yeah.
P: You didnt tell me you were like- famous. I had no idea.
Br: Good.
P: What do you mean good?
Br: Don't get me wrong- I love the spotlight but some people tend to take advantage of it.
P: I feel like I should bow down.
Brent laughed.
Br: Go right ahead, but I-
The movie starts
Br: I should probably shut up.
P: Good idea.
Throughout the movie, there were jumpscares, gore, and some other intimate scenes. Neither of them lost the bet until....
Br: You know, this movie isn't all that scary. It's kinda-
Jumpscare happens
Brent covered his face with his hands.
Br: That part really startled me.
P: Wait- you looked away from the screen-
Br: No- no, I covered my face for-
P: I win! I win! In your face!
Br: Fine, fine. You got me. But-
Randomdude: SHUT UP! A MOVIE IS ON!
Brent sunk down in his seat a little.
I chuckled, then looked in the popcorn bag. About 1/4 left of the bag. I reach for some more and I guess Brent did the same. Our hands touch. Neither of us moved them for a second, until brent rubbed butter on my hand.
I glare at him, but the smile doesn't leave my face. I wiped it on him.
After the movie
We walked out of the theater.
P: That movie was good- and you losing was even better.
Br: I let you win.
P: And why would you do that?
Br: Because you have that face.
P: huh?
Br: You heard me.
I ignored him, but his words swelled in my heart. Im glad it's dark outside so he can't see me blushing.
P: Hey- theres a photo booth. Let's take some pictures.
We went over and squeezed in.
We're reaaaally close together. I don't mind.
P: Let's do 2 sets so we each get one.
He agreed.
After taking them
We stood under a dim lamp to look at the pictures.
P: Aww, you look so cute.
Br: So do you.
P: Which one do you want?
Br: This one.
He took one.
P: Alright. I'll get the other one. I really should be heading home though.
Br: Yeah, me too.
He walked me to my car.
P: Thank you so much for coming. It was super fun. Also, you lost the bet so I get to pick what we do next.
Br: Yeah. I guess.
P: You're gonna pick me up tomorrow at 5 pm and we're gonna go to Olive Garden.
Br: I love Olive Garden.
P: Me too. That's why we're going.
It was silent for a few more seconds. I decided to hug him.
P: See you tomorrow.
Br: You too.
He grinned at me for a few more seconds, then left.
I got in my car and just sat there, looking at our photos over and over.
I sighed.
Picking up the flowers from the front seat, I inhaled the smell and smiled.
P: Oh Siri, I think I'm falling for him.

Yayyyy hope u like
And heres the other pic for the person who asked :>

Yayyyy hope u likeAnd heres the other pic for the person who asked :>

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And brierson pic of the day ofc

And brierson pic of the day ofc

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