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Pierson POV
Okay, it's after work and I drove as fast as I could home. My date is in 2 hours- that's hardly enough time for me to prepare! I showered for about 15 minutes, then blowdried my hair.
P: I wonder how I should do my hair...
A voice in the doorway made me jump.
??: You still never told me who you're going out with.
I spun around. Its logan.
P: Logan, you startled me!
L: Yeah I know. Who is your date?
I smirked.
P: Don't worry about it.
L: I'm your brother- I'm supposed to protect you.
P: ()-()
L: What's with the face?
P: I'm older than you.
L: So?
P: I should be protecting you.
L: We're only a year apart, so tell me the guys name.
P: Why should I tell you?
Logan rolled his eyes.
L: Oh poor, poor naive Pierson. You have yet to discover the dangers of the world.
P: Once again, I'm older than you.
L: I just wanna make sure this guy isn't a wanted criminal. That's all.
P: Well, you can meet him. Hes gonna pick me up.
L: Oh I will.
Logan turned around and left.
I chuckled to myself; Brent and I agreed to meet one another there. Logan isn't gonna get to meet him.
Anyway, back to my hair-. I decided to curl it. It was done in about 20 minutes. I brushed it out.
P: That oughta do it!
Hmm. How should I do my makeup?
Eventually, I did it a style that I liked.
Time for the dress! I got my red dress and heels off my bed. After changing, I looked at myself in the mirror. I hope this impresses Brent. I want to leave a good impression on how I am outside of McDonald's. With 1 hour until the date, I decided to FaceTime Naomi and then watch TV.
Brent POV
I look on my watch and stamp my foot. Only an hour. I need to get home and get ready, but this flower shop is taking forever to gather the assortment of yellow flowers I'm getting for Pierson. Okay.. So I may or may not have searched her name up on Instagram and scroll to her account just to figure out her favorite color. I just want to make a good impression! Ben and Andrew are with me; the three of us have been out and about all day. I'm still cross with them for embarrassing me in front of Pierson.
B: How long does it take to get yellow flowers?
A: Half an hour, apparently. Are you sure it's worth it, Brent? I mean you've only met her a week ago.
B: Brent will do whatever it takes to impress a cute girl.
I elbowed Ben in the ribs.
Br: Yes, it's worth it. Her favorite color is yellow. She better love these.
A: What if shes allergic?
Br: Well, I-.. I don't know. I really hope not- we never talked about allergies together and that's not something you put in your Instagram bio.
B: Instagram bio?
Br: Oh- uh- yeah. She gave me her Insta.
A: Sweet. Hey, on your date can you ask her if she has any friends that look remotely like her but aren't reserved for my best friend?
Br: What?
A: Ask her- Forget it.
Br: Okayyyyy...
5 minutes later we're still waiting.
B: Bro-
Ben looked at me.
B: You getting a lil antsy there?
Br: Wha- Oh.
I realized that I was tapping my foot and twiddling my thumbs.
Br: A little bit.
A: You excited?
Br: Yeah, and super nervous. Its been a while since ive been on a date- especially with a girl like... 
I trailed off and started thinking of Pierson.
B: Like her. I get it. You're a simp.
Br: A simp? Are you classifying me like Dom?
B: Yup.
Br: Wow- okay. I'm-
A random dude walked over to us holding a bouquet of yellow flowers. They're beautiful. I hope Pierson thinks so too.
I went over and paid, then we sped back home.
Dom was at my house for some reason.
Br: Dom? Why are you here?
D: A little birdie told me that you need help getting ready for a date.
Br: Who? Who was that little birdie? Tell me and I'll slime them in my next YouTube vid. I only told Andrew and Ben.
D: I ain't no snitch.
B: We're helping you. You haven't exactly been on a date in a while.
Br: What do I need help with?
A: Everything. Here- let's help you rehearse pick up lines.
Br: I'm definitely not saying a pick up line to Pierson.
D: Wanna know one that worked on sofie?
Br: I guess so..
D: So I asked, 'how are you?' And she said 'fine' and I said 'yeah you are."
Br: yeah.... No way am I ever gonna say that.
D: practice with me. Pretend I'm your date- whatever her name is.
Br: Pierson.
D: right. Pretend im Pierson.
Br: this is stupid.
Dom started talking in a high pitched voice to sound like a girl.
D: Why hello Brent.
Br: She does not sound like that. At all.
D: Then whats her voice like?
B: If you're asking Brent that question, hes just gonna say hot.
Br: Shut up. You guys are supposed to be helping me.
D: Okay- just go with it.
I rolled my eyes.
D: Why hello Brent. What a nice day it is today.
Br: Oh brother.
A: Brent, talk to Pierson!
I sighed and rolled my eyes again.
Br: hello Pierson. 😐 How are you today? 😐
D: Good. What about you?
Br: Dom! You're supposed to say fine!
D: She would probably say good instead.
I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand.
Br: Are any of you actually gonna help me?
B: I know a good pick up line.
Br: Good grief. Lets hear it.
B: Roses are red...
Ben took a dramatic pause between each line.
B: Silent as a mouse...
B: Your doors are unlocked...
B: I'm inside your house...
Ben smiled, satisfied.
Br: Uhhhhhh. Yeah ima have to pass. That's not a pick up line, thats a cryptic message.
A: I actually have a good one.
Br: Ya know, it's time in 45 minutes- I should get dressed.
A: Wait- my pick up line has actually worked before!
Br: That's what Dom said...
D: Mine did work.
Br: Blow me away, Andrew.
Andrew smirked.
A: Theres a sale at my house...
He looked at us as if we had to answer or something.
Br: Okay-
A: All clothes are 100% off. 😉
Dom and Ben started laughing.
Br: Gee. Thanks for the help guys. 😐
A: Anyday.
Br: Ima go get ready.
A: Wait- I have another one.
Br: Nope nope nope.
I ran up the stairs to my room and shut the door. Then i locked it.
A voice startled me from behind.
??: I thought you were over Eva.
Its my sister, lexi.
Br: Get out lexi! Mom!
Lr: Shut up.
Br: And why did you ask about Eva?
Lr: Because you have your nice suit out on your bed. Also, I can't forget your "special occasion" hair gel-
Br: What made you think this is about Eva? She has a boyfriend!
Lr: Oh yeah, you're right. So you aren't going out with Eva, but who are you going out with?
Br: I'm not going on a date- I'm going to.... A funeral!
Lexi raised and eyebrow.
Lr: A funeral? For who?
Br: Oh ya know, um.... Kevin.
Lr: Ive never heard about anyone named Kevin.
Br: Such a shame for him to pass...
Lr: Why are you wearing your "special occasion" wear? Who are you trying to impress at a funeral?
Br: Uhhh... None of your business. Get out of my room! How long were you waiting in here before I got in? I locked the door.
Lr: And that's my cue to go- enjoy your date.
She slunk out of the room.
Br: Its a funeral!
I sighed. After getting dressed, I did my hair and put on cologne. Glancing at my phone screen, I realized that I have 15 minutes. My stomach has butterflies- I'm excited but so nervous.

Okay sorry, I lied in the last part- I said this part would be the date but I wanted to put a lot of detail in each part so it got really long- Next part is actually the date though!!! :))))))
1435 words goodness gracious

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