Logan's investigation

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Logan POV

I woke up with the sun peeking in through my curtains. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to check the time. 10: 25 am. I meant to stay up to wait for Pierson to return. I guess I fell asleep. I guess that's what i get for sitting on my bed and closing my eyes for a second. When did she come home?
I got up and headed to her room.
I opened the door.
L: Pierson! Where are you?
Her room was empty. Did she never come home?
Oh! She has work! Duh.
I'm still curious though. Maybe I should check our security cameras.
I went my room and got on my computer. I went to the app to see the cameras outside.
Okay. Its on the screen. Now we have to go back.
I sped it back in like 30x speed until i saw some people.
It's them. Brent and Pierson got back around midnight.
I was about to turn off the moniter when I saw something......
What the heck. What the heck.
My curiosity got the best of me and I kept watching. Dang, are they ever gonna stop lip locking?
Finally, they stopped.
Ew. I don't wanna see that. I wanna get revenge on Brent. How dare he kiss my sister? WHY?!
They are kissing again. This time my sister made the move. Ackkkk.
I have a plan, but I'm gonna need some help. I need the whole truth outta this man. Yes, I do need help. I know just who to ask.....
I sent the video camera footage to my phone and got to work. I need to find Rivera's address. I know if I ask Pierson she'll never give it to me.
I rewinded the video to when they arrived, before all the.... You know.
They came in an uber. Okay, I need an uber.

Lexi Rivera POV

I came out of my room after putting up my youtube video for the week. Today has been easier than usual because Brent usually comes and bothers me. He didn't today.
My curiosity got the best of me and I crept to his room. I opened the door. He's still sleeping? Its 10:45! Usually he gets up around 8.
Lr: Brent. Brent. Brent.
I nudged him each time I said his name.
Finally, he stirred.
Br: ughh What do you want, Lexi?
Lr: it's almost 11.
Br: WHAT?!
He sat up quickly and grabbed his phone.
Br: Oh Yeah, I guess you're right. I got back late last night.
Lr: 😏
Br: Wipe that smirk off your face.
But he was smiling. It's odd, because he seems like he's in an unnaturally good mood. It's especially odd because I woke him up.
Lr: You're not gonna.. Throw a pillow at me or anything?
Brent didn't answer. He had the same smile on his face, zoned out.
Lr: Brent!
I smacked him.
Br: Ow! Lexi, what's your problem?
Lr: My problem? Whats your problem?! You're not one bit mad I woke you up?
Br: Not even you can break my mood.
Lr: What made you so giddy today?
Br: Nobody. None of your business.
And with that statement, he grabbed some clothes and went to go shower.
Odd. I never mentioned a person being the reason.

. . .

Logan POV

I finally made it. I'm at the Rivera household. It's only 12:25. Perfect.
I asked the uber driver for the address. He gave it to me without question. He could probably get in a lot of trouble for that. Oh well. Not my problem.
I stepped up and rang the doorbell.
Someone answered.
Lr: Um, hello.
She looked around.
L: Okay, enough fanboying. I need to confront your brother.
Lr: How did you get my address?
I ignored her.
L: Can I come in?
Lr: Sorry, I can't let a stranger inside my house. I don't even know if you're supposed to be this close to it.
L: But your brother was outside mine last night.
Lr: What?!
L: He's been going out with my sister, Pierson.
Her eyes went wide.
Lr: Pierson is your sister?
L: Yup. I need to see Brent.
Lr: He isn't here.
L: Where is he?
Lr: He went out to get lunch.
L: How long till hes back?
Lr: He was planning on staying out all day...
L: Any idea where he's eating?
Lexi smirked.
Lr: I know just the place. We have a bit of time before he comes back.

Brent POV

Its my favorite time of day. Time to go see one of my favorite people.
I pushed open the doors and went inside.
There she is.
She hasn't seen me yet.
I walked up and got in her line.
In a few minutes it was my turn.
Br: Hey you.
She gave me that million dollar smile she has.
P: Hey. I was just thinking about you.
Br: Just? I've been thinking of you all day. Ever since....
I trailed off, thinking about last night.
About how I want to kiss her again. Right now. But that wouldn't be a very good idea. I guess I'll just have to flirt with her for now.
P: So... Are you getting excited?
Br: For what?
P: For Christmas silly.
Shoot. I forgot Christmas is coming up. What am I supposed to get her?
Br: Yup.
P: I know just what I'm getting-
She stopped because a customer came up holding a burger.
Customer: Excuse me.
P: Yes?
Customer: Theres a problem.
P: What is it?
Customer: I'm missing something.
P: What is it?
Customer: Your number.
She blinked a few times, then glanced at me.
I crossed my arms.
P: Sorry, I'm not allowed to give out my number on the job.
Customer: That's okay, I'll wait until you're done.
Br: So babe.
I said with as much emphasis on 'babe' as possible.
Br: I'm sooo excited for tonight. See you later.
The customer stared between Pierson and I for a while, then stalked away.
P: Oh my gosh, thank you so much.
Br: Anything for you :)
She grinned.

. . .
Logan POV

Its been a little while. I showed Lexi the video of my sister and her brother. We're gonna confront them about it- but in a fun way.
We heard the front door open. Brents home......
This is about to get good.

EEEE I'm on Christmas break so I'll be updating more!! (I'm also planning on updating my tiktok story asap) I have a little something ima be releasing soon 👀👀👀

Brierson pic of the dayyyyy

Brierson pic of the dayyyyy

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Its a veryyy old one. Hope you enjoyed.

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