1 - The First Day

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[Leo's POV]

It was another school day which in my eyes, was panning out to be as boring as any other. Popular kids taking advantage of the lesser kids, learning and all that social shit. I was kind and cool, yet fierce. Like I had a fire inside me that was waiting to burst.

Strolling through the hallways, I kept my head down, hand in the pockets of my black-draped hoodie, my maroon grey orbs gazing at the tiled floor, and the floor only. People were everywhere, crowding in their small social groups. I took the time to manoeuvre past each one, mumbling a small, "Sorry," As I bumped into a few shoulders, only to receive glances and a few scowls.

Finally, my locker was in sight, so with a glimmer of hope, I picked up the pace, darting past people with ease, nimble like a wolf. I could calm down a little, recalibrate, before heading off to some dreary classes. Just as I had turned in the direction of my locker, I felt the force of a tall, muscular man bash into my side, pushing me down and onto the floor.

(#JusticeForFloor everyone)

Wincing as I came tumbling down, the other students turned around to face me, gasping and giggling, and the man in front of me eyed me up and down, as I did him. Except the gaze from his electric forest green orbs was intense. Really intense. It counteracted the softer gaze from my maroon grey orbs.

"Who are you?" He began, "And why did you get in my way?"

I threaded a hand through my sandy blonde hair, feeling my heart pound out of nervousness. This isn't you, Leo! You're strong! Calm down.

Sitting up a tad, I regained my usual composure and began to speak, "I'm Leo. And I really didn't mean to get in your way-?" I paused, hopeful for a name to come out of this man.

His dark black hair flicked around as he tilted his head to one side, crossing his arms. "Jaxon." He snarled. This was a guy who clearly didn't want to be messed with...

By that time, his tall frame had stepped over my smaller frame, and off he went. What was he? Brooding? Mysterious? It was strange. Shaking my head to clear my mind, I hopped up onto my feet and brushing myself off. I did notice the small twinge at my right elbow and realised he'd hurt me. It was kind of normal for me to be hurt. I had friends, yet I wasn't the most popular person. It was becoming clearer that Jaxon did fit into that category.

Anyway, I rested my head on my locker before opening the door and pulling out several books for my classes. Today was a little out of the ordinary, but maybe that was a good thing!


The next thing I knew, I was sitting down in my Science classroom, listening to the mind-numbing sentiments of the teacher at the front of the class. I blinked and did my best to focus, writing a few notes here and there. After some time of reflecting by myself, I noticed that I wasn't alone. A fierce gaze was settled on me. It could only be Jaxon, right?

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