6 - The Connection

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A/N - GUESS WHAT?! I've actually written something for this again!! Because I have declining inspo, take a stab at what scene is next... 

Hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!  

[Jaxon's POV]

My nerves were settled as they always were for this time of the morning, and I stepped towards the gates and into the school as per usual. Yet, there was something about today that made it seem more important than others. I can't remember any birthdays, no tests, no friendship things, no funerals... The halls are quiet, yet filled to the brim with people. I navigate through them with something of ease, meandering about my day with my own mystique.

Then it hits me. The minute I approach the door to my English class, letting the door creak open of its own accord, the answer flashes right before my eyes.

The party. Leo's party. The event of the century.

I know nothing about it.

Strands of my dark black hair settle in front of my eyes, and I use a breath to blow them away. Apart from the whiteboard, the rear TV, the hexagonal desks, and the towering shelves of books that confront the left side of my body, the room is bare. Not a human in sight. I lower my head to the desk and sigh, taking in what is around me. Another thought enters my mind, subtle and gentle... The simple meditation I heard on the school radio...

1 thing you can taste...

"Starting off strong, I see." I talk to the classroom, my inhalation deep and eyes closed. "The chocolate I ate before coming here..." Usually, I would make a snide remark in regards to the school, knowing my education was splitting at the seams, but no one would snitch and choose to get someone like me in trouble. No one would nag me! It was perfect for a moment of Jaxon centred therapy.

2 things you can smell...

My breaths from my mouth now shift to my nose, taking a few moments to absorb any familiar scents. A small distance away is the oval, which I hear being freshly cut. The whirring is therapeutic, but I tune out the sound. The meditation specifically told me to smell, and there's no point in going against its wishes. "Obviously the freshly cut grass... And the books next to me. Old and musty."

3 things you can hear...

Now I can immediately circle back! My thoughts buzz. "The sound of the lawnmower with which the grass is being cut... Uhm-" I relax as I think further, "My breathing, and the sound of my very melodic voice, if I do say so myself!" I smirk and chuckle, then sigh and decide one thing. If this meditation is going to prove useful, then I need to forget the fact I'm even in a school setting.

4 things you can feel...

"The table. My hands against the table. My head against the surface of this table. My foot against the legs of this tiny table." If the goal was to earn points for linking the task at hand with tables, I would've smashed it out of the park.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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