2 - The Exchange

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[Leo's POV]

"A bad boy?" I repeat, almost shell shocked. He gave off the vibe of a powerful man with a passion for pushing others over, with that distinct look of black hair and a scrutinising gaze... Dammit. He is a bad boy, and I'd realised that in a matter of hours.

"Yes." Yen reaffirmed with a nod. A similar event had happened between them, I knew, but to a different effect. She was stressed and stuttering, he was threatening and cold. Yen seemingly thought that her innocent and quiet behaviour could come off as endearing, but it wasn't the case in the slightest. She was shrugged off, denied of love and seemingly any friendship by him. At this moment, she even seemed tentative, as if the two of us were both sharing the same reflection. The gaze cast from her glowing blue orbs said, 'He hurt me before. He might hurt you.'

Melissa was far less apprehensive. Rather, she seemed curious, maybe as to why I was talking about the man the way I was, how I met him, how our friendship formed so suddenly... A simple collision to the floor was all it took.

I took it all in. The varied reactions and the two different girls, each with their own wisdom to impart. That's exactly what I decide to take advantage of.

"But what else? C'mon, there's got to be more than just a bad boy aesthetic!" I scoff. Melissa shook her head, but the other girl opened her mouth with caution, then closing it. "Speak up..." I implore softly.

Now taking her grasp away from Melissa and holding her hands together, she bit her lip, and a piercing silence filled the air. It was like time had stopped, and it was just the three of us. Melissa, me, and the shaking Yen.

"Jaxon hurt me, Leo. He's a terrible person. I thought I could see my way into his heart, calm his soul, but no. He's untamable." My eyes widened at that, staring off past the girls and at a distant brick wall. Obviously, he wasn't the average human, but that kind of statement? He must've been his own being! But he did offer me the time of day earlier... Several times, in fact...

Melissa clicked her fingers, and I was brought back to reality.

"Don't you get any ideas!" Yen held her hands on her hips, leaning forward to scrutinise me. "He's nothing but a troublemaker." Melissa seemingly agreed to her girlfriend. Her silence did speak volumes, as she was popular and all... It meant that when there were no words, she was either completely confident, or troubled in every way. Melissa was just like that, and I was forever glad to know these people as I have, with genuine connections and complete trust. Two beautiful girls in love. I sighed.

"I'm not trying to put myself in a compromising position, but he's the only other person who's talked to me in a long time," My feet shuffled against the grass, squashing it in place, "Other than you two, of course."

The fire red girl stood her ground, her eyebrows furrowing at my statement. "What about Sam? What about Terry?" She posed. They were some other friends I'd made in my high school years, and as of late, I did feel as if I was neglecting them, but I couldn't help it! I was trapped in this mindset of benefiting myself and seeking out my own goals, my passions.

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