5 - The Time: A Week And Counting

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A/N - I'm sorry this took so long to come out!! I've lowkey been lacking a lot of motivation to write anything, so I've been jumping around projects and not really getting anywhere...

I still hope you all read and enjoy! :D

[Jaxon's POV]

It was soon after that that Leo left, and I was left to my own devices. So I agreed to a party... Interesting for me to do. I do enjoy observing all the gossip and using that as a form of manipulation, but Leo made it sound like there was more to it than that. A level of spontaneity and amusement. Drinks maybe, dancing and sociability... My mind began to race as I realised... Imagine me at a party! All the death stares I'd receive! How appropriate yet so... Judgmental. Whatever. I roll my eyes to my silent room and shake off these feelings of dread. A week and counting till the big day. I gotta make sure I keep this 'happy' side of me up...

[Leo's POV]

Job done. Job. Freaking. Done. As my feet pace against the sodden pavement, I realise I've accomplished something incredible. How on Earth did I do it? A humble boy like me, convinced the biggest bully, and perhaps the most secretive man at all to burst like that? To party with some... No, I'm not going to undermine myself. The sky shimmers with grey luminescence as my house sits proudly down the street. Concentrating on Jaxon and the spectacle in its entirety, I'm too absorbed to notice an obstacle in my path. An obstruction in the form of a girl, and going by the name of Yen. Her stature is tall at this point in time, taller than what is normal, arms crossed and eyes lax. Her hair rests upon her head in a soft ponytail.

"You nearly bumped into me." She clicks her tongue, her voice... Entrancing in a way, but then she snaps her fragile fingers, and I'm back to reality.

"Well, I'm sorry, Yen." My watchful eyes narrow as I step forward and around the girl, but she counters by continuing to block my chances of escape. "Let me go home!" I retort childishly, looking between the floor, Yen, and back again.

"What?" She smirks slightly, an elegant curve of the mouth at that. Just one of the many skills she picked up from Melissa... "What's more important than talking to one of your best friends?" Her mouth closed and was held agape as the words attempted to form. Alas, there was nothing. She was still sheltered at heart.

I shoot a steely glare in her direction, which then softens. My thoughts wander off to who I used to be. Certainly so much less, but quiet and reserved, just like Yen. I was the good guy in her fairytale.

Too bad, Yen. My fingers tap against the strap of my bag, hanging lopsided over my shoulder. I'm not him anymore. Perhaps for the better.

"Are you going to answer me?!"

"I don't want to, that's for sure," I mumble, flicking my hair to one side and letting a smile lace my face. It's more of a playful grin, but my words were just as meaningful as I intended them to be. "I'm busy. Gotta get home." I proceed to walk forward, pushing her shoulder slightly just as I did with Jaxon's, focusing ahead of me. No more time for distractions, well... Maybe one... The continuing charisma and mysterious charm he carries is enough to set serotonin driving through my skull. It's strange, and I want to hide it, but it's near impossible to. I breathe it out, taking a moment to think logically about all this.

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