4 - The Collision

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[Jaxon's POV]

The girl was gone within a matter of seconds after disclosing some valuable information. A lot has happened since he entered my life?! No! Surely I can't change his psyche in a matter of hours... My thoughts flowed. There was also a matter of context. I could have cracked his shell so hard he doesn't know what to think anymore, or it could be anything else, but as Yen had, I heard his shaken sobs from miles away.

His sadness, to me, came like waves on the beach. They could be small and subtle, peaceful, or a full-on shitstorm. Even though I'm emotionally withdrawn, I could tell Leo's cries were of the shitstorm kind. There was no denying something was wrong.

Yet there was no point in confronting him about it, either.

It seemed easier for me to deal with any overwhelming and unprecedented feelings outside of the school environment, if at all, for that matter, so I did just that. Swerving my way through the locker rooms, I grabbed all my books and bags, heading out to the bus stop. Yes, I believed I was superior to others, but only in an intimidation game. As a humble member of society, I was a normal citizen! The weather remained full of grey clouds and gale winds began to blow. I felt eternally glad I was under the cover of this measly bus stop...


[Leo's POV]

I had wanted nothing more but to get out of this school. My body had shut down in motion more than once today, and every possible feeling I had ever experienced was out of whack. I had smiled, laughed, cried, been hurt in more ways than one, and what resonated with me the most was the calibre of anger I displayed in front of Jaxon. I could be fierce and dominant when I pleased, but I never expected that much out of me. I needed to let loose.

Walking at a brisk pace to the bus stop, I noticed it was fairly crowded. Not many people take the opportunity to walk home these days, all hanging out with friends or being picked up in some way. Worst case scenario is the menial bus trip back home... I sighed and attempted to relax, surrounded by taller male bodies on either side of me. One of them I knew was my friend slash enemy slash confusing guy that I found in Jaxon. And he wasn't making a sound...

I did hear him clear his throat after some plain silence. He didn't turn to me, but his head leaned in my direction, voice louder than I intended. "I heard you were crying today."

God, I could punch his nose right now. He stood back up straight, and I felt my whole body course with anger. Shit! I told myself. How the hell does he know?

Of course, I'd never ask him. Not in a million years. The sheer glare of this man was enough to scare the wits out of you, let alone talk to him, most days. Some of my encounters have been seemingly lucky...

But not today. Today, I was invincible.

"And how did you hear about that?" Rain begins to fall, a gentle symphony for the ears. My head makes a systematic turn in his direction, "Don't say it was from miles away or I-"

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