3 - The Breakdown

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[Jaxon's POV]

"I asked you what your deal was. You didn't answer right."

Ouch. That hit harder than I thought it would...

Comments like that usually don't get to me, since I'm always holding myself composed. I still am now, of course, but... My brain was a jar, and all the thoughts were marbles. All the little comments and shoves that he gave me ended up shaking the jar so that the marbles moved around my head.

In short, I was rattled by it all.

I was a loner in this school, and I liked that. It was safe for me to be alone, and it allowed me to be myself, whether that was moody and mysterious or not. My charisma was one to beat, full of dark humour and witty remarks. Let's just say that I love all my edgy characteristics... I carry myself in high regard! And there. The self-inflation of my ego.

I was curious as to where Leo went, and he looked genuinely upset. Not exactly my problem, but it was weird. It was like looking at him all upset shaped a part of me. It was truly something I couldn't wrap my head around. The sound of the school bell droned on for several minutes, and I took that as my cue to hurry off to the locker area, but not exactly my classes. I could be tardy because I certainly didn't care...


[Leo's POV]

Classes had begun by the time I had stormed off and left Jaxon alone. The halls were empty, and the only noises I could hear were the faint chatter of students in their classes and the birds chirping outside. I didn't feel quite sane at this moment, questioning every motive he had, and every feeling I expressed in this short time. My whole body was flooded with sweat as I zoomed down the halls, trying to check myself.

You did what you had to do, My thoughts began, He's a jerk, just like he said he is, and he acts like one, too!

But believing these thoughts was no cakewalk because I believed in an ideal where everyone was good, some just worse off than others... Making him seem like a bad guy when he could be recovering from past traumas is no way to give me clarity! It wouldn't work. Still, he wasn't an angel sent from heaven. Jaxon had used brute force against me, against Yen, and surely tons of other people who had felt his wrath, even though the situation may not have been the cause of his physical outbursts. He was a strange guy, but something about him intrigued me...

Slowing down now, I lingered outside the classroom that I was meant to enter, observing all the students who appeared less than engaged. Is Jaxon there? I know Melissa and Yen don't share this class with me... I was fine before without them! Why am I distraught now?!

He wasn't there. That cleared things up... So with all this in mind, I bolted off to the bathroom without a second thought, my breaths growing shaky as I looked at myself in the mirror.

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