Happy To See You

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Emily's POV

Monday had finally come around. I was going to be meeting up with Sue in just an hour now. I was headed to meet her for dinner straight after work and, to be honest, I was feeling a little nervous. We had been texting back and forth since that day she contacted me. We caught up on a few things but not much. I just was seeing how her move was going, she'd ask me about my day. You know—friendly things.

I paged through a few last edits I had scattered on my desk as Jane walked in.

"Are you excited?" She asked.

I looked up from my desk and chuckled, "Excited for...?"

She rolled her eyes, "Your date with Sue!"

"It's not a date." I cut in, correcting her. "Mary is my girlfriend."

Jane cleared her throat and smirked, "For now."

Now I was rolling my eyes, "Sue is just a friend."

"Just a friend... who you used to make out with." Jane said, now pulling a seat next to me at my desk. "Sue also hit me up again—we've been talking, too."

I laughed, "Yeah... just make out... right..."

Jane smacked my arm and raised her eyebrows.

I shook my head, "Anyways—yeah, Sue told me she reached out. I'm glad she's been able to reconnect with some people back here. Has she said anything about why she was gone for so long to you?"

I was curious—I know Sue would probably tell me this evening over dinner, but I wasn't sure if she confided in Jane about it at all.

Jane shook her head, "She said she'd rather tell me in person. It must be pretty serious."

I nodded, "She said the same thing to me, too."

It was silent for a moment between Jane and I—it was like both of us had been in deep thought until Jane finally spoke up.

"Have you ever told Mary about Sue?" She asked.

I sighed, "I have, well, sort of." I started, leaning back in my office chair with my hands behind my head. "I told her that I'm going out with Sue tonight and that she is an old friend I grew up with and we had lost touch the past couple of years... and we're just meeting up to catch up."

Jane chuckled and shook her head.

"What!?" I asked, adjusting myself in my chair so I was facing Jane better. "I wasn't lying!"

Jane continued to chuckle and shake her head, "You're right—you weren't lying, but you also weren't being one-hundred percent honest, either."

"Sue and I never really had a real label... we were just doing our thing." I countered.

"Doing your thing...right..." Jane nodded, chuckling once again. "Doing your thing like... that one time at Abiah's party I walked in on you guys battling tongues in the bathroom?"

I blushed, tugging on my bottom lip, "We were young and, like I said, doing our thing. Mary is my girl now. Sue knows that, I know that and Mary knows that. We have nothing to worry about."

"Mhm," Jane started, standing up from the chair and moving it back to the front of my desk. "If you say so. I have to go finish up a couple of things—have fun with Sue tonight." She winked and walked out of my office, shutting the door behind her.

I took a deep breath and looked at the clock. I was meeting up with Sue now in less than an hour. I started cleaning up my desk, putting papers in a neat pile so I could do it all again tomorrow, and shutting my computer down. I walked over to the wall and grabbed my jacket and bag off the coat hook and put them both on. Shutting the light, I walked out of my office and locked it on my way out.

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