Settled In

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Emily's POV

Sue had been all settled in Boston now for a bit over a month now—she was working at one of the high schools teaching math like she had been in New York, her apartment is completely set up, and she's been socializing with myself, Lavinia, Jane and even Mary on the occasion we were all in the same place at the same time. To say that I love having Sue back in my life is a complete understatement. I never realized how much she was truly apart of me and almost completed me in a way. When we hadn't spoken over the past two and a half years—I always felt like something was missing but having Sue back in my life just confirmed it all for me. She was my best friend and I needed her in my life. I wasn't going to let her get away again.

We had plans this evening—Sue and I. It was Friday and we were both ending out the work week strong. I had published an article I had been working on for a couple of days that I was stressing over, so that was a huge relief. I know Sue was stressing out about grading tests but she was able to finish doing that during some downtime during the school day instead of having to take it all home for the weekend. Sue and I were now in contact regularly—we texted every single day, pretty much throughout the day besides when we were both busy working. We've been hanging out a lot as well. Since she's been back in Boston, we've hung out multiple times a week since her being back.

Tonight Sue was coming over to mine and Vinnie's apartment. We had planned on ordering dinner, having some wine and watching a movie. Vinnie was working the night shift at the local dive bar so she wouldn't be back until later in the evening. I must admit, I didn't invite Mary to join us because I really like dynamic Sue and I have—I can vent to her about my relationship if needed and wouldn't have to worry about Mary being around. Often times I have had her join us for dinner but that's been when we go in a big group together with Jane and my sister. I haven't necessarily hung out with just Sue and Mary alone. Something deep down inside of me knew it would feel awkward probably for all parties.

Mary said she doesn't feel threatened by Sue. She doesn't know mine and Sue's history completely, but she knows enough now that we used to date, sort of, and she was okay with that since it was in the past and I have proven myself loyal to her over these past months. What Mary and I currently had was good and stable... I wasn't going to do anything to mess it up, at least not intentionally.

Sue's POV

Friday had come and gone, and it was already pushing six o'clock. I had gotten home from work a few hours ago after finishing out a long work week at the school. I had given a test to four of my classes and had nearly one hundred tests to grade since Tuesday. I really didn't want to bring work with me home this weekend, so I was able to grade the last twenty during the study hall period I covered on Friday's. I was happy to be able to just relax this weekend—as a teacher, work often comes home with me and I never really get a break, so this was nice.

I made my way out of my apartment and headed toward the subway to get over to Emily's place. She only lived ten minutes away by train and about thirty minutes away if I walked. It was an ideal situation—having my best friend living in the same place and being able to hang out a lot. It was like old times, minus the physical affection, which I must admit—I missed. But I'm just letting everything flow between us and see where we end up. Right now, I'm just happy to have Emily back in my life. It truly felt like no time has passed after reconnecting—we sort of just picked up right where we left off in a way.

The train finally pulled up to the stop that was by Emily's place and I hopped off and began walking the block to her apartment. I had brought the wine and she had already ordered the food so it would be there by the time I arrived. Emily was always a planner and I loved that about her as I tended to be a bit less organized. I needed someone like her to help me organize my life, and her being present again has made me want to get my organization skills back on track. I've kept my apartment tidy since finishing setting up and that's mainly because Emily was coming over regularly. So was Jane.

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