Goodbye Mary

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Emily's POV

I'm breaking up with Mary today—soon actually. I told her to come to my apartment this evening and she was on her way. The way I feel about Sue is not a way I've ever felt about anyone else, not even Mary, so it wasn't fair to keep the relationship going for either of us honestly. My hearts not all in it and Sue has always had this hold on it that never went away. I'm in love with her and I want to be with her. Sure, there's chemistry between Mary and I—she's a lovely woman after all, but she's not Sue.

I felt bad, honestly, because Mary doesn't even see this coming, and she truly is so sweet. I feel bad for my mistakes and for cheating on her. She's going to be heartbroken, and I already know it. But I don't think I'm going to tell her that I cheated. I don't really know how I'm going to even end this so abruptly.

My phone buzzed and I took it out of my back pocket, checking the notification. It was a text from Sue.

'I want you. Remember that. I want this—you and me. Call me later.'

I smiled at the message, my heart beating faster and sent a quick reply.

'So do I. I'll call you after she leaves. Don't think it will be a long encounter.'

There was a knock on my apartment door and I quickly locked my phone and put it back in my pocket.

"It's open!" I called out, looking at the door. The nerves were really settling in now.

Mary walked through the door with a smile on her face. "Hey babe." She said, closing the door behind her. She walked up to me and leaned in for a kiss but I moved it to the side and let her get my cheek. She backed away and looked at me curiously, "What's up, Emily?"

I swallowed hard before speaking, "We—uh, we need to talk."

She was still looking at me strangely, "O...okay? About what?"

I could tell she suddenly felt nervous and she had every reason to feel that way. I was trying to piece the right words in my head and it was proving to be difficult. I had to just come right out and say it.

"We—we have to break up." I said in a shaky voice, shoving my hands in my pockets.

Her face immediately became sad, "What? Babe, why? Did I do something wrong?"

I put my hand on her shoulder and rubbed her arm, "Of course you didn't do anything wrong. It's me—you did nothing wrong; I promise."

"If it's you, then what did you do wrong?" She asked, seriously—her voice cracking.

I was silent for a moment because I didn't want to absolutely crush her.

"I... I... It's..." I started but Mary didn't let me finish.

"It's Sue, isn't it?" She said, her voice growing louder as tears came down her cheeks. "Isn't it, Emily? You said I had nothing to worry about! You told me you and Sue were just friends!"

"Mary..." I started again, trying to calm her down but she kept yelling.

"I see the way you look at her! I saw you follow her to the bathroom the night of your birthday. I know I was drunk and out of my mind but I vividly remember that. Silly me, I didn't think anything by it because I thought you were just going to check on her to see if she was sick. Emily, what did you do!? Be honest with me!" She yelled, more tears streaming down her face.

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