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" Every time she laughs, she hopes he’s watching, hoping that he’ll fall for her smile just as hard as she fell for his "

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" Every time she laughs, she hopes he’s watching, hoping that he’ll fall for her smile just as hard as she fell for his "

" Every time she laughs, she hopes he’s watching, hoping that he’ll fall for her smile just as hard as she fell for his "

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"So, what did you two talk about?" I ask, putting the car in reverse before pulling out of the parking lot.

Sunny takes a second to answer and shrugs.

"Avery's nicer than I thought"

"Why's that?" I ask.

"She accepted my apology and she apologized as well. She said she's sorry she was being a nuisance to you but I reassured her there was no way she was being one" She says. Never taking my eyes off the road, I reach for Sunny's hand and glance at her quickly.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me"

"I love you, Tae" She says, and I say nothing. Knowing that it would be a lie if I said it back to her. Actually, what I'm doing right now is the lowest thing I can do. I'm using Sunny. That's the simplest way I can put it.

I'm so used to thinking that maybe one of these girls can satisfy me, and make me forget about her. But they never do, they are all far from it.

Avery, oh God Avery.

All she needs is to smile at me and it just makes life so fucking amazing. The excitement of knowing she would be at the other side of the door when I go to class is irreplaceable, so is her laugh whenever I succeed in being funny. And when she cries, I just want to kiss away the trails of her tears on her cheeks, and eventually I'd look at her lips before leaning in and telling her that it was okay.

"I'm not sure if I love you, yet, Sunny. I-I'm having a hard time trying to" I confess. She knows though, that I didn't love her the same way. She knew from the start.

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