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"You don't cross my mind, you live in it"

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"You don't cross my mind, you live in it"

If my head wasn't pounding right now, I wouldn't be irritated with every customer that asked for me

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If my head wasn't pounding right now, I wouldn't be irritated with every customer that asked for me. Working on a Saturday really is no joke.

"Excuse me" A woman by the window calls and I breathe in deeply before putting on the fakest smile. I practically drag my feet over to her table.

"I asked for sugar" She says, a bit annoyed that her sugar hasn't arrived yet.

"I apologize. I'll get it" I say before turning around.

After that's done, the bells chime.

"Good morning" I greet loudly and rush over to help the customer take a seat, but I stop in my tracks to see that it was Tae. He gave me a warm smile, holding up a paper bag. My heart skips a beat as usual at the sight of him. He dressed more simple outside school, still taking my breath away in a plain white shirt and jeans.

"Hey. Figured that stubborn little head of yours would be aching, so I brought over some medicine" He wiggle sthe back. I bit my lip and take it from him, pulling him to a seat by the window.

"How did you know?" I ask, taking a pill and popping it in my mouth.

"Just a feeling"He says chuckling. He pulls out his phone and starts taking pictures of the busy city life just on the other side of the window.

"I'll get you your favorite"

"On you?" He asks, looking up at me cutely. When did I ever say no to you, my Kim Taehyung?

I roll my eyes and he smiles that boxy smile of his.

"Yay. Love you, Aves" He says before looking down at his phone again to scroll through the pictures he just took.

Don't throw away those words so carelessly Tae, because I might think more of what you actually mean.


I walk to Tae's table, exhausted. As he sees me approach him, he sighs in relief and stretches out his arms. I can't believe he stayed for 6 hours of my shift.

"What the heck Tae. I told you to go home" I say and he shrugs.

"I wanted to stay. Besides, I wanna hang out with you after your shift. Are you done now?" He asks, but is already gathering his stuff anyway. I can't help but feel a blush creep into my cheeks, a bit happy that he waited 6 hours to hang out with me. But that's just Tae.

"Yup. What did you have in mind?" I ask, heading out the door after he offered me for me to go first.

"Let's go get some ice cream"

Luckily, there was an ice cream place not too far from here. We ordered inside, mine cookies and cream and his the same. We sat at a table outside.

"We never get ice cream, what's going on?" I ask, taking a spoonful in my mouth. He suddenly shifts in his seat, obviously wanting to get something out of his chest.

"Do you wanna say something, Tae? You can tell me anything" I place my hand on his.

He scratches his neck. "Well, um" He says, scrambling to say the words.

I smile at him reassuringly, but deep inside I was actually nervous. What if he was saying that he was moving out or something? Oh gosh, I do hope that's not the case.

"Well, I know it's only been the 9 of us for the longest time. And I will always love each one of you, and I want you to know that you guys will always be the most important people in my life. I will always be here for you, no matter what" He says.

I smile nervously. "Um, where are you going with this Tae?" I ask, waiting to hear the reason why he was acting this way already. tion a user

"I-I have a girlfriend"

Short one I know, but I'll make it up next chapter!Love you guys!

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Short one I know, but I'll make it up next chapter!
Love you guys!

Thank you for reading ♡

Thank you for reading ♡

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