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“Did you love him?”“Yes

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“Did you love him?”
“Did he love you back? “

I bury my toes in the warm, grainy sand.

Finally, school was over. We all packed up our bags and didn't think twice before travelling hours just camp out at the beach. After all, that's what youths are good at.

Being spontaneous.

I look to my right and see Ivy and Jimin, he's spinning her up in the air and she laughs with him. As he sets her down, he gives her a peck on the cheek making her give him a sweet kiss on the lips.

On the other side are the hyungs, setting up the barbeque and looking over at us to make sure we were okay. We welcomed another member in our group, Namjoon's friend at the company, Yoongi. He really isn't a vocal person, but you know by his actions that he's a good-hearted person. He even helped Namjoon make up more songs, and I heard BigHit are merging them together to form a band called 'BTS'.

Speaking of BTS, the boys are going to audition next week to see if they got a shot. If they do pass, I'll be beyond proud of them, achieving dreams and following their passions.

"What are you doing alone, pretty lady?" Taehyung asks, kssing my head before sitting behind me. I lean back into his chest and we watch the sunset together. He wraps his arms around me and he snuggles into my neck.

"You smell good" He whispers, before kissing my shoulder lightly. I smile.

"Like the barbeque Namjoon's cooking?" I joke.

"Even yummier" He says, kissing my neck up and down. I giggle.

"That tickles Tae"

He hugs me a bit tighter.

"How did I let an angel like you go unnoticed?" He asks, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"That's for you to answer" I joke. He chuckles before standing. He suddenly picks me up and spins me around. The breeze blows on my dress and I fear my panties were going to be exposed, and Tae's spinning didn't help.

"They're gonna see my panties, Tae!" I giggle and he puts me down. He pulls my waist and rests his head on mine. I put my arms around his neck and I peck him on the lips.

"You're so beautiful" He whispers, scanning every part of my face.

"You're ugly" I joke and he tickles me. "Take that back"

"Okay okay!" I laugh, hugging him in the neck tighter so he would stop tickling me. He put his head on mine once again.

"I swear, I'm going to marry you someday" He says, looking at me with seriousness in his eyes.

"Good. Because I'll be waiting" I smile before giving him one long kiss.

Right then, I thank the deities above for giving me the one thing that I have been longing for for a long time.

My Kim Taehyung.

The End

The End

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