Farewell till next time

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Last time on Dragon Ball FX!

Nesma and Ganto secured they're victory on defeating Takashi and at last the long awaited had ended, as a beaten up Nesma thought on how he could fix the rights that Takashi had wronged

Nesma had thought about bringing back Trunks after he was killed by Takashi, as a couple months had passed by, Nesma and the others gathered the Dragon Balls, and brought back Trunks, those bystanders killed by Takashi and the super dragon ball radar?

As a year went by, they gathered but as the words were supposed to be reversed what could Nesma had wished for?

Find out now!

In the space...

Ganto: What the hell you just said?
Nesma: Well one of the wishes i said was to bring back all the previous universes that Zeno had erased
Ganto: What do you gain from that?
Nesma: As the past gods told me "become a god"
Ganto: Oh yeah i forgot about that, so what? Don't tell you couldn't take my place? I would've happily stepped down, I still have ways to learn
Nesma: I still have ways to go as well, we will learn together brother
Supreme Kai of Time: To think you guys were getting your flying license just a time ago, how time actually flies!
Nesma: Dang we went from Time Patroller to god candidates to saving the multiverse to saving everything
Ganto: Remember that time you tried to kill me?
Nesma: You gonna keep throwing that in my face?
Ganto: Yes haha
Nesma: Bitch
Ganto: Takes one to know one
Nesma: ...
Supreme Kai of Time: Alright you idiots!

Supreme Kai of Time punches Ganto and Nesma

Ganto: Ow
Nesma: Ouch
Supreme Kai of Time: Alright Nesma what was the second wish?
Nesma: Oh that well I wished for a ne-

Someone shows up to confront Nesma, Ganto and the rest

Nesma: Who the hell?
Ganto: Friend or foe?
Nesma: Guess we'll find out now!
???: Please please let your guard down fellas

As a young fellow with two bodyguards shows up

Nesma: Who are you?
???: The name is Kiloh you wished for me Nesma
Nesma: So you're the new king?!
Ganto: What?!

Everyone shocked by Nesma's wish!

Ganto: So you wished for another tyrant king?!
Nesma: No i wi-
King Kiloh: Noo you got it wrong Ganto, Nesma wished for a fair who doesn't erased anything by pleasure, i will always seek justice whenever is needed
Ganto: So we're good?
Nesma: Yeah we're good
King Kiloh: But I won't always have bodyguards, I will have one guard on multiverse watch and another will seek out those who disturb peace
Ganto: That's a relief atleast

As King Kiloh left, now it's time for Nesma to become what he was meant to be

After months and years of rigorous training and intense meditation Nesma, had once again became a candidate for the godless universe 13

Nesma: It's time brother

In the god's lounge...

Ganto: You ready brother?
Beerus: What a bother another god, I'm hungry
Champa: Shut up cat
Vermont: Well well well another rival
Arak: hehehe
Liquor: Finally
Ramon: Atlast
Quitela: Tsk
Sidra: hmph
Heles: Well join us at last
Ivan: Let us begin

As all the gods prepared for the ceremony

Nesma shows up

King Kiloh: Nesma

Nesma bows his head

Nesma: Yes my king
King Kiloh: Will you accept to be the God of Destruction of Universe 13?
Nesma: It'd be an honor to serve as one of your God of Destruction, thank you for this opportunity I won't let you down!
King Kiloh: Lift your head up!
King Kiloh: You Nesma, son of Goku and a children of the angels, i hereby declaring you the God of Destruction of Universe 13
Ganto: Don't lift up your head too much dummy hehe

All the gods bowed on the name of Nesma

Meanwhile in an empty ruin, deep in the vast and abandoned cave we see a familiar face...

???: Sigh guess it's another day for us huh my brother
????: Yes my king
???: We will have our revenge one day i promise
????: Thank you for saving me, I can't believe you actually got me to work again
???: All i needed was a little bit of time
????: Did you hear the news spread across the universes?
???: Huh?
????: A new king has been chosen
???: Hmm...
????: And...
???: And?
????: A new god has been chosen for Universe 13
???: Wait... Universe 13? Who is it?
????: Nesma, my king
???: Hehehehehe HAHAHAHA oh Zero we will have our revenge, all we need is time and a team and a plan...
Zero: Yes Takashi we will kill them all
Takashi: Hehehe

Meanwhile in Nesma's World...

Nesma: Thank you Ganto for everything
Ganto: Yep anytime, looks like we're the newer version of the brothers of destruction
Beerus and Champa: WE HEARD THAT!
Ganto: You wanna go?
Nesma: Hehehehe

As 2 years went by, peace has been maintained across all the universes, until one day

In Nesma's world...

Nesma receives a time call

Supreme Kai of Time: Nesma can i ask for a favor?
Nesma: Of course you don't have to ask
Supreme Kai of Time: Well so basically there has been a change of time
Nesma: What?
Supreme Kai of Time: An individual well to put it short, an ex time patroller has change the course of history, he killed all the saiyans when planet vegeta was blown up, meaning Goku, Broly, Vegeta and everyone who survived the explosion was killed, if you don't change this you will cease to exist!
Nesma: And the time patrollers
Supreme Kai of Time: They were all easily defeated! He's too strong!
Nesma: Not strong as me, send me the details!

Nesma saw the information and all that he needed and went to confront this individual!

In Age 736...

Frieza: Look at them, all so weak it's a pity they have to die!
Dodoria: But my lord the saiyans are a good race so we can conquer planets, we can use them as we please
Frieza: Exactly Dodoria which is why I can't have not even one overthrow me
Zarbon: I never seen you so worried my lord
Frieza: Me worried? Never

Meanwhile away from Frieza spaceship...

???: Alright time to extinct everyone this time
Nesma: Not so fast
???: Hm?!
Nesma: I knew it was you, I immediately knew it, Snow...

As Nesma confronts this so called Lord Snow what could happen next?

This has been the last episode of Dragon Ball FX

To be continued...

The sequel of Dragon Ball FX will return in the following weeks in Dragon Ball RX

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