Beast Formed Released! Come Forth Fusion!

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Last time on Dragon Ball FX

After Zero suffering a grueling death by the hands of Ganto

Takashi had transformed into a whole person with a new set of energy not even Nesma could believe it!

Nesma and Ganto mesmerized by this astonishing powers but can they beat Takashi at this stage of the match?

Find out now!

Takashi standing in the field

His body aching, with black electricity coming out of his body

Dark red aura surrounding the whole field

As Takashi looks directly at Ganto

His eyes red as blood, filled with rage and vengeance

Takashi(Beast God Form): Ganto... how do you wish to die?
Ganto: ?!
Takashi(Beast God Form): I don't know what is this power, I don't know if i could even question it at all, I believe it's my intent to kill you here and now
Ganto: ...
Takashi(Beast God Form): Now speak you fucking trash, how do you wish to die?
Nesma: Hehehehe oh Takashi you still think you can win?

Takashi slowly looks at Nesma

In a matter of seconds Takashi was at Nesma's face

Takashi: Shut up, I'm not talking to you

Takashi slaps Nesma farther than the field they were in!

Ganto: NESMA!!!
Ganto: Damn it I guess I gotta fight you one way or another but I'm taking you down!

Ganto transforms into God Of Destruction Form!

Takashi(Beast God Form): GRRR HAAAAAAAAA

Takashi released a Death Ball almost the size of a mountain

Ganto dashing towards cover as he couldn't dodge!

Ganto turns back and blasts the Death Ball into the sky!

Ganto looks again and Takashi shows up in his face!

Takashi punches Ganto into the ground

He grabs Ganto and slaps him and dropped him into the ground

Takashi laughing maniacally with evil intent

Takashi steps on Ganto head slowly crushing him into the ground

Ganto tries to get back up but still gets grounded

Ganto looking at Takashi with an angry look

Blood dripping down his face and Takashi immediately kicks and knocks him back into a corner

Takashi: You committed the ultimate crime by killing the one person who was there for me you fucking bastard
Ganto: Sigh sigh aren't we all bastard Takashi?
Takashi: You still speak his name... you will suffer

Takashi punches repeatedly at Ganto's face

Ganto screaming in agony as the electricity coming out of Takashi body burns him

Nesma shows up!


Nesma kicks Takashi

Nesma: Ganto are you okay?
Ganto: How many times are you gonna ask that?
Nesma: Hmph I guess we gotta do it huh?
Ganto: Damn it I wish it didn't had to come to that but fine

Nesma throws a huge ki blast at Takashi

Takashi dodged it!

Takashi: Is that supposed to do something?

Takashi immediately got baited!

Ganto and Nesma: FUUUUUU-
Takashi: WAIT NOOO
Ganto and Nesma: -SION!
Ganto and Nesma: HA!

As the Universe shaked two of the strongest of the universe combined!

Ganma: Hehehe hello brother
Takashi: Hmph

Thus Ganma was born!

Will this be enough to beat Takashi? Find out next time on Dragon Ball FX!

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