The Hunt for Takashi commence!

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Last Time on Dragon Ball FX...

The Death of Trunks had everyone shocked and now Nesma and Ganto seek revenge upon Takashi and Takashi's plan is going perfectly but what is this plan that Takashi is doing?

In the Time Patrol Station...
Nesma:Alright i invented this new technique something that is similar to Instant Transmission but i call Instant Gratification it allows me to teleport through Universes and we're going to start by Universe 1 ready?
Ganto:Woahh that technique sounds awesome you have to teach me!
Nesma:I'll teach you when this is all over...

As Nesma and Ganto went through Universes to find Takashi...
Takashi is almost ready to start the plan...

In Takashi's Hideout...
Takashi:In just a few short hours my plan is ready to commence at long last I'll have my own kingdom and my own place and my own family I'll call this Operation Zero he'll be the key to the power of my future and His target will be none other than Nesma...

In Universe 6...
Nesma:Hey Lord Champa!
Champa:Who are you?
Nesma:Well allow me to introduce myself you stupid cat!
Champa:STUPID? You got some nerve!!
Nesma:Hahaha you really don't remember me huh?
Champa:Huh? Wait Nesma? I can't believe it.... its been 10 years?
Nesma:Yeah i can't believe how fat you've become oh wait...
Champa:Grrr you always know how to piss me off... What brings you here?
Nesma:I'm looking for this guy goes for the name of Takashi a saiyan pirate...
Champa:No this guy is not in this universe not that i know off yet but you should try and ask Vermont in Universe 11 he'll probably know
Nesma:Thanks Champa! And hey to tell you the truth stop eating Crabcakes if you wanna be skinnier see ya!

In Universe 8...
Ganto:Hello Liquor...
Liquor:Wait wait wait is that you Universe 12 God of Destruction? Ganto?
Ganto:Its me alright!
Liquor:Wow i can't believe it! What brings you here?
Ganto:Well me and my brother are finding this Saiyan Pirate his name is Takashi have you by any chance know if he's here in this universe?
Liquor:Umm lets see Takashi takashi hmm takashi nope haven't heard of him since Universe 13 was blown to bits...
Ganto:Well he is alive and he's seeking revenge...
Liquor:The most i know are in Universe 11 you should go and ask Vermont
Ganto:Ok well see ya and dude your name is awesome!
Liquor:Haha well thanks see ya!

In Takashi's Hideout...
Takashi:Almost there just a little bit more and my plan is so close to completion
Unknown:Who is my target?

In Universe 11...

Ganto and Nesma appeared in Vermont's World

Nesma:Huh who told you to ask Vermont?
Ganto:Liquor who told you?
Nesma:Champa well come on lets ask him

As Nesma and Ganto went to Vermont place Takashi is so close to make his final preparation but who is this person that Takashi introduced

Find out next time on Dragon Ball FX...

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