Chapter Two: The Hearing

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A disillusionment charm was placed on Harry as he and the Auror apperated into the Ministry of Magic. Despite the painful grip on his arm, and the gruff orders of the Auror to keep moving, Harry couldn't help but be as in awe of the grand building as the first time he'd laid eyes on it.

Of course, now this place would be deciding his fate, or rather, the people working inside the Ministry. He wondered if he could get out on his name alone. Surely they couldn't punish Harry Potter  that badly. The worst they could possibly do was expel him from Hogwarts.

The thought alone made him want to steal a time turner and stop his stupid, reckless past self from losing his temper on Dudley.

Harry was surprised and disgusted that he didn't feel one smidge of remorse for his cousin's death. He felt no sadness, no guilt. He regretted his actions, not the consequences. He could even go so far to say that he was glad the fat whale of a boy was dead.

"That's good Harry, think of all the things he did to you, you just returned the favour."

'Yeah,' Harry thought, 'I just returned the-' the thought stopped in its tracks and he mentally slapped himself. 'No, I am not agreeing with you,' he thought venomously at the voice. 

"Pick up the pace kid," the Auror said gruffly, giving Harry's arm another sharp tug.

"You will," the voice hissed before disappearing completely, leaving Harry some inside his mind.


"You will stay in this cell until your hearing," the Auror said, shoving Harry unceremoniously into a small cell and closing the door with a dull clang that echoed through the dark room.

"When's my hearing?" Harry asked, his fingers curling around the iron bars. 

"That's for me to know-" the Auror whispered, smirking, "-And for you to find out." 

He walked away, his crimson robes billowing in a way reminiscent to Snape, Harry thought in disgust. Shortly after another door could be heard closing in the distance, Harry sat on the thin bed that occupied half of the cell. 

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes with difficulty, his hands still bound by the handcuffs. "God's sake Harry, you bloody idiot," he murmured, laying flat on his back and looking up at the low ceiling. 

All of this could've been avoided if there wasn't a goddamn voice inside his head! 

Harry squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands on either side of his forehead, squeezing painfully. 

"Get out," he muttered, "Get out, get out," he started hitting his head roughly, the metal cuffs digging into his skin, "GET OUT!" 

"Woah ok, if you want us to leave that badly then we'll go." 

Harry pulled his hands away and sat upright, his eyes wide behind his glasses, "Sirius? Remus?" 

His father's two best friends stood at the door of the cell, each wearing worried frowns. A different Auror stood beside them. 

"Five minutes," he said, and walked away. 

"Harry, what did you do..." Remus murmured, his hands nervously playing with the fraying cuff of his jacket. 

Harry leapt up and strode to the door, "I didn't mean to!"

"You didn't mean to expulso your cousin?" Sirius hissed, his eyes narrowing. 

Harry's mouth opened in a gasp, he'd never heard his godfather speak to him like that, never seen the expression of anger and disappointment on his face. 

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