The Weapon

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Harry made his way down to the dining room, nodding to the portrait of Sirius' Mother as she smiled eerily at him, her eyes wide. By the time he entered the dimly lit dining room, peeling wallpaper lining the walls, the ringing in his ears had dulled to a quiet, but insistent buzzing; quiet enough that he could think clearly, but loud enough to make its presence known as Harry sat down at the long dining table across from Lupin.

"Hello Harry," Lupin said softly.

Harry gave him a half hearted smile back, "Hello Professor."

Lupin laughed, "It's Remus Harry, I'm sure I've told you before."

Harry stared down at his plate, the ringing fogging his mind, "Sorry, must've forgotten."

He looked up to see Lupin staring at him worriedly, and pain seared through his head. He just wished everyone would stop treating him like he was about to break.

But before Lupin could say anything, Mrs Weasley came bustling into the dining room, a trail of plates filled with various dishes floating behind her. The plates landed gracefully on the table just as Ron and Hermione came down the stairs, Hermione's face still blotchy and red from crying. Harry watched as they sat opposite him, carefully avoiding his stormy gaze.

"We'll everybody? Dig in," Mrs Weasley said happily.

With those words, chatter filled the quiet room and Harry got a chance to see exactly who was joining them at the table.

Mad eye Moody sat at the far end, one eye fixed on his potatoes and chicken, while his magical eye swivelled around in its socket, landing on Harry every few seconds before continuing to circle the room.

A woman whom Harry had never seen before sat next to Ginny, her hair changing from bright bubblegum pink to ocean blue to a forest green as they chatted easily.

Fred and George sat on either side of a small, balding man who slipped a silver fork into his frayed jacket pocket as they spoke with practiced ease. Harry narrowed his eyes and decided that he didn't like the sneaky man at all, though judging by their carefree laughter, he couldn't say the same for Fred and George.

A silent, dark skinned man wearing a deep purple robe sat next to Sirius, his eyes fixed on his plate. Harry had never met this man either, but even by sitting at the small table, he had a regal presence that filled the room.

"Kingsley Shaklebolt"

Harry jumped at the voice so much that a few peas tumbled to the floor. Eyes turned to look at Harry, who grinned sheepishly.

"He's an Auror. Do you know what that is?"

Harry didn't know how he was meant to respond, if he said anything out loud, people would think he was crazy-

"Talk in your mind Harry, I will be able to hear you either way."

Harry contemplated this for a moment, before clearly thinking, "Yes I know what an Auror is, Ron explained it to me in third year."

"They aren't to be trusted," the voice said darkly, " They trust no one, and neither should you."

It was a strange experience, Harry decided, to have a conversation with the voice in your head, while also talking in your head. He half expected Lupin to jump out of his seat and shout that he heard a voice coming from Harry that wasn't Harry at all. But of course, no such thing happened and Harry was quite content to finish his mashed potatoes as well as his silent conversation.

"Why should I listen to you?" Harry asked, "You're  telling me not to trust a man that Dumbledore trusts enough to let him into this place, but I don't even know who, or what you are! You could be eating away at my brain, or stealing my magic for all I know."

The voice was silent for a moment before answering, " I cannot answer all of your questions. And you must believe that some questions are better left unanswered." Harry scoffed at this, but stopped when the ringing grew painfully loud before ebbing away, "I only ask that you believe me when I say that I mean you no harm, I only wish to aid you."

Harry frowned, "Aid me with what?"

But the voice did not return, in fact, the ringing grew even softer until it disappeared completely, leaving Harry unconsciously missing its presence.

"You all right mate?"

Harry looked up sharply to see that the entire table was looking at him, some with interest, others, such as Ron and Hermione, with concern.

"What?" Harry said stupidly.

"We called your name Harry," Hermione said softly, "We all did. Are you alright?"

Fred laughed, "Looked like you were in another world."

Harry panicked. How long had he been talking to the voice? How long had they been calling his name?

He tried to play it off as nothing, "Sorry, I'm just... tired after today you know?"

He breathed a sigh of relief as Hermione smiled sympathetically.

"Why were you calling me?" he asked.

Sirius shifted in his seat and glanced at Mrs Weasley, who glared at him.

"We thought you should know why we're all here tonight," Sirius said, "This Order was founded to fight against Voldemort, and now that he's back, we've tried to get as many members as we can-" 

"That doesn't mean you're joining dear," Mrs Weasley cut in, "You're far to young."

Sirius glared at her, "Not to young to be given information that concerns his survival." When Sirius was certain that Molly was finished, he went on, "We believe that Voldemort is looking for something. Something he didn't have in the last war, something that will help him win."


Harry's breath caught.

"We'll what is it? Some sort of weapon?" he asked.

Sirius leaned forward eagerly in his seat, a childish gleam in his eyes, "Well we think-"

"That is quite enough for now!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed, standing up out of her chair and walking over to Harry.

"Off to bed," she said, before looking at all her children, including Hermione, "All of you!"

Harry was inclined to argue, but something in Mrs Weasley's eyes made him stumble in his hurry to reach the top of the stairs.

He was sharing a bedroom with Ron, and as he walked into the small room, two beds pushed against the walls, he sighed. Ron walked in a minute later, avoiding Harry's eye.

"It has to be a weapon right?" Ron said softly after the lights had been turned out and Harry was nearly asleep.

Harry rolled over, "It could be anything," he mumbled, "Anything at all."

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