The Finale

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This is it you guys...

The Ministry Foyer was eerily silent.

Compared to the amount of people that had been running through it on the day of Harry's trial, it was as if the life had been sucked out of it. Harry grinned when he thought of Tom waiting for them in the strange prophesy room.

"Shouldn't there be some security?" Harry asked.

Remus frowned, "There should..."

Really, this aided Harry's story. If there were hundreds of people in the ministry when Voldemort was supposedly torturing Sirius then it wouldn't seem very believable.

"Come on then," Moody grunted, walking to the lifts with the Order trailing behind him.

They all crammed inside a lift and Harry watched as Kingsley pressed a button.

"Department of mysteries," a disembodied woman's voice said, and the lift flew up.

Harry looked around the lift and started when he realised Dumbledore wasn't there. Shit. Tom wanted to kill Dumbledore tonight.

"Uh, where's Dumbledore?" Harry asked, dread pooling in his stomach.

Remus glanced at him, "He said he'll be here a bit after us, don't worry."

"All right. Just checking."

Thank Merlin.

Though there was something alarming about not knowing when Dumbledore would show up. He could be anywhere. He could be in the lift, invisible.

Harry shivered as the lift jolted to a stop, the doors opening smoothly. The Order stepped out, and followed Moody down a long, dark corridor where a single door sat at the end. Moody opened it swiftly.

The room they entered was shaped like a circle, with doors every three meters or so around the wall. The air seemed to shift when Moody shut the door they came in through, the silence felt weighted, and Harry swore he could hear whispering.

"Follow me," Moody said, leading them to a door on their left.

Inside, were rows and rows of shelves reaching all the way to the towering ceiling. Harry craned his neck trying to take all of it in. On the shelves were glowing blue crystal balls that made him think of professor Trelawney's classroom. They must be the prophesies, Harry thought.

"Right you are."

Harry almost jumped in fright when he heard Tom's voice in his head, "Shit! Give me some warning next time."

"You'll get over it-"

"What row Harry?" Remus asked, interrupting Tom.

Harry looked at him, bewildered, "What?"

"The shelves are numbered, what row did you see Sirius on?"

"Twenty five," Tom provided.

Harry thanked him internally, "Twenty five."

Remus nodded, "Let's go," he said, pulling his wand out.

The others did the same and Harry gripped his own wand in his pocket, smirking slightly as they started walking.


There was nothing there.

Row twenty five was completely empty. Harry stood awkwardly to the side as the Order looked around, calling Sirius' name.

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