A Vow

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Harry crashed onto the carpet of the drawing room, falling to his knees. A strange tingling sensation spread from his wand hand to the rest of his body, he didn't know what it was, but he revelled in it. 

It felt like power. Power that coursed through his veins and made his head feel fuzzy, his limbs feel weak and strong at the same time. He never wanted it to end. 

"Why are you on the floor?" 

Harry looked up to see Riddle staring down at him, his brows pulled down in confusion. 

Harry laid his head back on the floor and closed his eyes, "I feel..." he couldn't describe it. 

Harry heard Riddle chuckle, "You killed the Mudblood?" 

Harry nodded, too caught up in everything to tell Riddle not to say Mudblood. 

"With what curse?" 

"Avada Kedavra," Harry murmered. 

"You would be feeling the effects of powerful dark magic," Riddle said, sounding intrigued. 

Harry's eyes snapped open, "That's what this is?"  

He watched as Riddle nodded, his dark eyes glinting dangerously. 

"You feel unstoppable yes? You feel as though you could defeat armies, win wars," Riddle smirked, "You want more." 

Harry felt conflicted. He did want more, he never wanted this feeling of power to stop. But he knew that it meant using more dark magic. He sighed, this shouldn't be a problem. He had given himself over to the dark lord, he shouldn't be worrying about a few spells. But at the back of his head, he could hear Dumbledore's voice saying how disappointed he was in Harry, how Harry had failed everyone. Harry glared at the ceiling and shut the voice out, looking at Riddle. 

"I want more," he said. 

Riddle grinned widely, "And you shall have it. But first, I require a promise, an oath if you will." 

Harry stood up, "What'd you mean?" 

"Swear your allegiance to me and you and I will rule the world." 

Did Harry want to rule the world? Did he want the Order to crumble beneath his feet? Did he want to see Dumbledore begging for mercy? Did he want to kill, to help Voldemort kill? Harry breathed deeply and looked into Riddle's eyes. 

"What do I have to do?"


Harry did not want to be anywhere near Snape, but apparently you need a third party to cast an unbreakable vow. Snape looked slightly surprised when he appeared in the drawing room, his eyes widening before flicking to Harry. 

"You called My Lord?" Snape said. 

"I require you to perform an unbreakable vow Severus. Will your absence from Hogwarts be noticed?" 

Snape shook his head, "No My Lord. The Granger girl has been reported dead, although none of the students apart from the one's who found her know. Dumbledore did not require my assistance." 

"Who found Hermione?" Harry blurted out. 

Snape's eyes narrowed slightly, "That is none of your concern." 

"I want to know who found her!" 

"Why is it that your little Gryffindor heart is not breaking?" Snape hissed, "Your best friend is dead. And tell me why you are standing in the same room as the dark lord? Tell me why you do not look tortured?"

Harry glared at the man, "Maybe it's because I killed her."

Snape gaped at Harry, his face going pale. 

"You..." he trailed off, before looking at Riddle, "My Lord?" 

Riddle stood behind Harry, "Harry here has been doing some work for me at Hogwarts. Killing that toad Umbridge, killing the mudblood Granger. I have more in store for him, much more." 

Snape stared at Harry like he'd never seen him before. Harry felt something twist in his stomach, a sick sense of pride at surprising Snape, at making him drop his cool mask.

Voldemort sighed impatiently, "The vow, Severus?" 

Snape tore his eyes away from Harry, "Yes. Of course," he said shortly. "If the both of you could please clasp your right hands together."

Harry slowly lifted his arm and let Riddle hold it in his own. Harry looked up to see Tom staring at him, his dark eyes piercing. Harry swallowed and didn't look away. Snape placed the top of his wand on their hands.

"You may begin," the potions professor said. 

"Will you, Harry Potter, pledge your allegiance to me and to the dark?" Voldemort said softly. 

Harry could hear a sharp intake of breath from Snape. 

"I will," Harry said. 

A line of light wrapped around their hands, glowing white. 

"And will you, to the best of your abilities, aid me in winning this war?" 

"I will."

Another strand of light came from Snape's wand, wrapping around their hands like a snake. 

"And do you swear to go to any means necessary to complete these vows, even if it means going against your friends?"

This was it, Harry thought. This was the moment that he signed his life away. But he wanted friends. Real friends like the Slytherins. He wanted safety, safety from Azkaban. He wanted to be with people who didn't lie to him, who didn't treat him as different. He wanted to feel that power again, the power that still lingered in his fingertips. He wanted it all. 

"I will."

The three strands of light grew bright, before sinking into Harry and Riddle's skin, leaving a slight indent. Harry pulled his hand away from Riddles grasp and examined it closely. 

"Thank you Severus, that will be all," Riddle said. 

Snape bowed, "Of course My Lord," he said, shooting Harry a concerned glance before apparating. 

The room was silent for a moment, smelling of strong residual magic. It was done. He could never go back to his old life, and somehow, he didn't care. He felt happy, so blissfully happy.

"What happens now?" Harry asked. "Am I going to stay in Malfoy Manor?" 

At least he would get to see Draco on the holidays. 

Riddle smirked slightly, "Now Potter, we have a celebration."

Harry frowned, "What?" 

"A new follower has joined our ranks," Riddle said, "And it's due time for a ball." 

"A ball?" 

"To introduce you to your new family Harry," Riddle said, "To have some fun."


Omg look at me finally doing an update. I swear to god it's been so long. 

Next chapter is a fun one. I promise you the return of Draco and Blaise and (everyone's favourite Slytherin) Pansy. I'm excited for this next chapter so it'll probably be out in the next day or so. 

Thank for reading :)

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