The Common Room

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The common room was silent. 

Dead silent. 

Only the crackling of the fire and the scuffle of excited first years upstairs could be heard. 

Harry sat in a small armchair, his feet kicked over the side as he lounged comfortably, pretending not to notice the other's stares and whispers. The locket was cool on his chest, and he resisted the urge to hold it in his hand, to whisper to it like he had in Grimmauld. 

Of course, that would make him seem crazier than people already thought he was. 

Harry heard Ron sigh impatiently, followed by a sharp intake of breath as Hermione elbowed him. Harry glanced over at them to see the pair whispering furiously. He eyed Neville staring at him nervously while Seamus and Dean sat together, glaring at Harry. 

"Go on, say what you want to say," Harry said lazily, closing his eyes. 

There was a moment of silence, before Hermione broke it, "Harry we just wanted-"

"Why the bloody hell were you sitting with the snakes Harry?!" Ron pushed in. 

Harry peeked a glance and saw Ron's face as red as his hair as Hermione fidgeted nervously. 

Harry sighed and shrugged nonchalantly, "I dunno, felt like a change I guess." 

Ron spluttered for a moment, "A change? You felt like a change? Buddying up with the people who call Hermione a... you know what, isn't a change mate, it's betrayal." 

"To see you laughing with them... It hurts Harry," Hermione said meekly. 

Harry opened his eyes, "We were talking about how amazing the Dark Lord is, and how when we finish school we're all going straight to death eater academy." He closed his eyes again and smiled, "It's all planned out." 

"What are you on about Harry!" Ron exclaimed, "Death eater academy- what- I don't-" 

"Ron calm down, he was only joking," Hermione whispered. 

Harry laughed, "Yeah Ron, take some deep breaths, wouldn't want to burst something."  

Ron gritted his teeth and stood up, storming over to Harry and pointing his want menacingly. 

"You shut your mouth. You're no better than the rest of those snakes," he snarled. 

"Put the wand down Ron," Harry said softly. 

Ron shoved the wand closer to Harry, "Or what huh?" 

Harry smirked and as quick as a flash stood up as well, casting expelliarmus and grabbing Ron's wand in his hand. Ron stood gobsmacked, staring at Harry dumbly. Harry put his own wand back in his pocket and bent Ron's a little with both hands, as if testing the flexibility. 

"What're you doing?" Ron demanded as Harry kept bending the wand a little further. 

"Do you know how easy it would be to snap your wand right now? How much effort it would take?"

Ron turned white, his freckles standing out on his face, "Harry what're you doing?" 

Harry glanced at Ron and smirked, "Apologise." 

"What- No! I-" Ron spluttered. 

Harry pointed his own wand at Ron's throat, "I said," he whispered, "apologise."

Ron gulped, "I'm sorry alright! Now give me my wand back!" 

Harry tutted and glanced at Hermione, "That didn't seem very genuine did it?" 

Hermione's eyes flicked between Harry and Ron, her face terrified. 

"Did it!" Harry yelled, making Hermione and Ron flinch. 

"Harry, mate, I think you need to calm down..." 

Harry turned his gaze on Dean, who was halfway between standing up, his hand twitching towards his own wand. 

"Sit down Dean," Harry said through gritted teeth. 

"No. You're gonna do something stupid-" 

"Want me to kill you like I did my cousin?" Harry whispered dangerously. 

Dean stared at Harry in shock, before scrambling up to the dormitories, Seamus and Neville not far behind him. 

"How could you threaten Dean like that Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, "And you didn't kill your cousin! It was an accident!" 

Harry was silent for a moment, his wand still digging into Ron's neck. 

"It...was an accident. Right Harry?" Hermione asked. 

When Harry didn't answer, Ron turned beet red again. "What the fuck Harry!? You're a murderer now? Maybe all that shit about 'the dark lord' is true! Have you been talking to the Slytherins over the summer? Is that why you've been so weird?" 

"You're awfully rude for someone who has a wand to their throat." Harry said, twisting his wand a little. 

Ron gulped, "You can't try anything," he said nervously, "The castle will stop you right? Right Hermione?"

Hermione nodded, "It says in Hogwarts: A History that-" 

"Oh shut up Hermione," Harry said.

"Hey! Don't you talk to her like that!" Ron exclaimed, chocking a little when Harry's wand pressed into his windpipe. 

"Shut. Up." Harry said. "I want to make a couple of things clear. Don't talk to me. I don't want to have a conversation with you. I don't want you to ask me questions in class. All right? Second, you can shut up about Dudley if you want to keep all your fingers, I won't have you putting me in Azkaban. If I have to I'll erase your memories." 

"Again." the voice supplied. 

"Got that? Does all that make sense?" Harry asked. 

Ron nodded, unable to speak. Hermione nodded as well, a small whimper escaping her. 

Harry smiled and took his wand away from Ron's neck, "Great, glad we settled things." He turned to leave, "Have a nice night."


"You did brilliantly Harry." 

Harry rolled over in his bed and sighed, "I shouldn't have threatened Dean. What if I end up in Azkaban?" 

"You won't, I assure you. And if, somehow you do, I'll break you out." 

Harry was silent for a moment, "Who are you?"

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, why are you in my head? I'm sure this isn't normal." 

"You are not a normal boy Harry Potter."

Harry turned over again and frowned, "That isn't an answer." 

The voice sighed, "I cannot tell you at this moment. But I can say that, I exist outside of your head. And when the time is right, you will come to me." 

Harry's breath hitched, "You're a real person?" 

But the voice didn't answer. The slight ringing in Harry's head fell away until all he would hear was snoring and the crackle of the fire downstairs. 

What had the voice meant? And if the voice really was a real person, what did it mean by "you will come to me"? Harry rubbed his eyes and closed them again, slipping off into sleep, his mind reeling with unanswered questions. 

Author's note

Harry's being a bit of a bitch ngl. 

And I wonder who this mystery voice is??? (That was a joke. I am the author. I know who the voice is. Obviously.) 

Next chapter will feature more Slytherins. (They're so fun to write)

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