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Omg look who's baaaack.
Sorry for the delay guys, I've been procrastinating. This chapter is a bit different from the usual content, so have fun reading from Draco's perspective. :)


It was officially the start of Christmas holidays, and Draco was more excited than he would ever let on.

He had spent the remainder of the term laughing silently as the Weasleys and professors scuttled around trying to make sense of Granger's murder and trying in vain to figure out where in the world Harry Potter had disappeared to. He suspected that Dumbledore knew more than he was letting on, but Draco didn't dwell on it.

There was something satisfying, knowing something that the rest of the school didn't. Of course, Pansy and Blaise did as well, but they hadn't kissed the boy wonder had they?

Draco has also spent the remainder of the term thinking about that kiss. Potter's hands on his waist, the feel of his hair (surprisingly soft for the bird's nest it was), and those green eyes.

As the train pulled into the station, Draco waved goodbye to Pansy and Blaise, who flashed him knowing smirks. He spotted his Mother by herself, standing proudly near the tracks. He knew that his mother and father were grateful to be returning to the manor at last, if their letters had told him anything. According to them, the Dark Lord saw it fit for them to come back to their home. Draco suspected it was because the Dark Lord trusted Harry enough not to try and escape, or kill them all.

"Hello Mother," Draco said.

Narcissa smiled slightly, and Draco could tell that she wanted to embrace him, but if years of pureblood customs had taught him anything, it's that public displays of affection are not permitted.

"Hello Draco," Narcissa said, "Have you got everything?"

Draco nodded and looped his arm through hers. In a second, they apparated to the manor.

How good it was to be home. Draco had grown up here, he had made so many wonderful memories with his parents. (And some not so good ones).

"Topsy!" At Narcissa's request, the small house else popped into existence. "Take Draco's bags to his room."

The house elf nodded and disappeared with the bags silently.

Narcissa smiled at Draco before folding him into her arms. Draco had missed her more than he cared to admit, and although she seemed rather small and fragile, he still looked up to her more than anyone.

Draco pulled away, "Where's father?"

"He had to leave for something or another," Narcissa said, waving her hand, "I'm sure he'll be back soon."

Draco nodded, "I'm going to change out of my school robes."

Narcissa had already started walking to the lounge, "Of course dear."

Draco walked in the opposite direction, past portraits that smiled at him and ones that didn't, past hallways that he had memorised as a child. He was almost at his door when he heard a bang.

Draco stopped, listening closer.

Another bang could be heard, followed by a colourful bout of cursing. Draco turned down another hallway towards where the noise was coming from, the bangs and voices only got louder until Draco could make out what they were saying.

"You must focus!"

The Dark Lord.

Draco had the insane urge to run and hide, and he almost did, but not before he heard a second voice.

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