Chapter 1

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Ok I'll warn you now. 
The details relating to their work is going to very unrealistic. Don't come at me. Just go with it. 
And i don't really know how well i did with the plot development either. 
I just wrote how it came to mind. 
Let me know what you think.

Beam's pov: 

I was woken up by the bright sunlight coming in through the sliding doors. 

"Why the fuck is it so bright?" I groaned softly and buried my face in the pillow trying to block out the light and go back to sleep. 

I was just starting to drift back into dreamland when something slammed onto my back. 

"OOF!!" I groaned in pain. 

I looked behind me and saw the little devil sitting on my back grinning at me. 

"Good morning daddy!!" She giggled. 

"Ella, when are you going to stop jumping on my back every morning? Are you really trying to break my back?" I sighed. 

"Daddy is strong so Ella knows daddy back not going to break! Now get up please! Ella is hungry! And Ella needs to go to school!" She bounced 

I sighed deeply. "Yes, your highness. Can you get off my back now?" 

She smiled widely and got off sitting beside me. 

I sat up and yawned. 

"Daddy you shouldn't sleep so late. You're getting dark circles." She looked at me worriedly. 

I smiled and ruffled her hair. "I'll be fine. I got 6 hours last night." 

She frowned and pouted. 

"Don't worry. I'll sleep early tonight ok?" I said. 

She nodded. "Ok..." 

"Now go get ready. I'll be out in a few minutes to make breakfast and take you to school." 

She nodded again before getting off the bed and running out of the room. 

I stretched my arms and back as I got up from the bed. 

Time to get ready then. 

I went into the bathroom to do my morning routine. 

When I came out of my room after getting dressed, Ella was sitting on the couch in the living room reading a book with her backpack next to her. 

I smiled softly at the sight. 

She's only 11 and yet she's able to do everything on her own without my help. 

"Ahh! Daddy, you take so long to get ready!" She pouted when she noticed me. 

"Sorry sorry. I'll make breakfast quickly ok? We still have time before you need to go to school." I went straight into the kitchen. 

I took everything I needed and started making some quick American breakfast. I also made some sandwiches along with fruits for her lunch. 

Today is the first day of school for her after the new year's break. 

She's starting her 5th year in primary school today. 

A smile formed on my face at the thought. 

She's growing up fast. 

It felt like just yesterday when she was a small 5-year-old running after me everywhere I went. 

But now she's more mature and even takes care of me sometimes. 

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