Chapter 2

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Ming's pov:

I stared at the screen blankly as i sat in my chair.

I was starting rethink the idea of working here.

I thought since they were literally the only company that actually hired me, the employees here woul be better.

But no.

They just hired me so they could use my skills and name them as their own in the reports and work.

I'm given a hidden cubicle which no one that comes in can see.

They don't want me to give any presentations or show my face to any of the higher ups.

I sighed softly and folded my arms on the table laying my head on them.

I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up...

I should've known...

It's the same wherever i go...

There are few who treat me kindly and are nice but majority of people look at me with disgust and do everything they can to avoid talking to me at all.

I worked overtime in my first week here and finished 10 reports back to back only to get zero credit and a scolding from the manager for not foing anything while the others are working hard.

But i can't even quit this job.

I know damn well i won't be able to get a job anywhere else.

And i really need the money right now.

I'm living off some cheap snacks and water right now and I'm 3 months behind on my rent even.

I'll end up on the streets if i don't pay the rent by the end of this month.

The only reason i haven't kicked out yet is because the landlady is a really kind person.

But she can't keep giving me leeway since she also has to earn money.

Although i know there will barely be anything left from my salary after paying all the rent, it's fine.

I can live off snacks and water for another month.

And hopefully, things will be better from there on.

I got up and went out to get something to drink.

I stopped infront of the vending machine and took out my wallet.

There was only about 200 baht in my wallet.

It's my budget for the next 2 weeks. It's only Tuesday of the first week.

I guess I'm not getting a drink.

I kept it back inside my pocket and started walking back to my cubicle.

Suddenly my arm was jerked to the right and the next thing i know, i was slammed against the wall.

I yelped in pain as my head and back hit the wall.

I looked infront of me and saw one of my coworkers, Jake standing there.

"Hey ugly ass." He grinned.

I didn't say anything.

He'll only get angry if i say anything so i just kept quiet.

"He's more like a half fried ass isn't he?" His friend Lix laughed.

I still kept quiet even though their words stung.

It's nothing new anyway.

I stood there like a statue as they kept throwing insult after insult at my face.

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