Chapter 9

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Ming's pov:

That night, I couldn't help but get insecure as I remembered all the glares, cold looks, and taunts we got when we went out together. 

Some people even laughed at p'Beam and Ella because they were with me. 

I know p'Beam and Ella don't think like that about me. I know they don't care about my scar. 

But I still can't help but get worried. 

They'll have to face so many mockings and taunts whenever they go out with me. 

And every person has a limit. 

They can't keep bearing such things forever. 

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. 

I"m ugly no matter how you look at it. 

I can't think of this scar as beautiful no matter how much I try to. 

And no one else will either. 

Tears started forming in my eyes as I remembered the words p'Kit had yelled at me the night we broke up. 

He had to go through so much pain because of me.

He was left out of his friend groups and bullied for having a boyfriend like me. 

What if p'Beam and Ella go through the same things as well?

Especially Ella... 

She's a small child. 

Being bullied and mocked will have a really bad impact on her. 

I clutched the sink tightly until my knuckles turned white. 

Am I being too selfish by staying with them? 

I jumped when arms wrapped around me from behind. 

I looked in the mirror and saw p'Beam standing behind me giving me a knowing look. 

I bit my lips and looked down. 

"Come here." He pulled me with him as he went out of the bathroom and to the bed. 

I kept my gaze cast down as he made me sit down on the bed. 

But I looked up when he knelt in front of me and took both my hands into his. 

"I know you're overthinking again. And you're doubting your decision of staying here." He said softly. 

Even more, tears formed in my eyes. 

He's probably going to get angry at me. 

He talked to me so much just yesterday and yet here I am. Doubting everything. 

"I'm not angry. I told you I knew just one conversation won't magically restore your confidence and self-esteem." He added reaching out and wiping my tears with his palms. 

"Mn." I nodded slightly. 

He stared at me for a few seconds before getting up.

I looked at him questioning.

The next thing I know, I was pushed onto my back and he was hovering on top of me.

"Words won't be enough. So let me show you through my actions." He whispered close to my face.

I blinked confused.

I wanted to ask what he meant but before I could get a word out, he pressed his lips onto mine.

My eyes widened as he started moving his lips against mine in a gentle manner.

He moved to support himself on his legs and cupped my cheeks with his palms.

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